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With Diabefly Pro, Captain Handa Reduced His HbA1c by 18.7%, Insulin by 64% & Weight by 14% All in 3 Months!

Published on: Dec 18, 2020
3 min Read
Capt. Handa has reduced his HbA1c from 7.4% to 6.2% and lost 11.3 kgs
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After living with diabetes for 20 years, one scary low blood sugar episode (hypoglycemia) pushed Capt. Sanjeev Handa, a retired Merchant Navy Captain, to take matters into his own hands. He wasn’t going to let an unhealthy lifestyle be the cause of another such incident.

On his Doctor’s recommendation, Capt. Handa enrolled for Diabefly Pro – a CGM-based diabetes management program. By the end of the 3-month program, Capt. Handa has reduced his HbA1c from 7.4% to 6.2% (in the prediabetes range) and lost 11.3 kgs.

His progress impressed his Doctor, who then reduced his insulin dose by 64%. After 20 years of living with Diabetes, Capt. Handa was happier, more energetic and above all, feeling younger than ever!

How Diabefly Pro helped Captain Handa achieve his health goals in 3 months?

Capt. Handa’s journey with Diabefly Pro began with a 14-day intensive phase. The first step was a detailed profiling call where Capt. Handa’s Diabefly Coach got to know him, his medical history, goals, and his current lifestyle.

He was then put on a CGMS or Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device – which painlessly recorded his blood sugars every 15 minutes for 14 days. While he was on this device, he tracked his diet and exercise on the Fitterfly Wellness App.

Correlating his blood sugar readings with his food and exercise logs gave his Diabefly Coach his Personalised Glycemic Response. Personalised glycemic response is a great way to find out the exact factors affecting your blood sugars on a day to day basis.

Your diet, exercise routine, sleep, stress – everything impacts your personalised glycemic response and allows your Diabefly Coach to eliminate the problem-causing factors.

With Capt. Handa’s personalised glycemic response, his Diabefly Coach created a personalised diabetes management plan for him.

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Here are six things that Capt. Handa’s Diabefly Coach did for him

  1. She created a custom diet plan for him based on his personalised glycemic response. She also catered to his cuisine preferences, eating habits, likes and dislikes.
  2. She helped identify and then balance the micronutrient imbalances in his diet – especially the ones that impact diabetes.
  3. She improved his meal timings which were erratic at the beginning of the program and a major cause of his blood sugar ups and downs.
  4. She nudged him to increase his protein and fibre intake in every single meal.
  5. She helped him get more regular with his workouts and pushed him to increase the intensity slowly.
  6. She educated him about diabetes, its impact on his overall health and way to care for it such that he could reduce the risk for diabetes-related complication.

His Coach’s motivation and Capt. Handa’s dedication finally paid off when his blood sugar reports came in. Having a balanced diet, being more physically active, managing his sleep and stress levels helped him lose significant weight which in turn helped him manage his blood sugars.

His low blood sugar episodes (hypoglycemia) also reduced, which was one of his main reasons to join Diabefly Pro

Watch Capt. Handa talk about his journey with Diabefly Pro and his wife describe how this transformation has been something she never anticipated in 30 years in their own words.

In 3 months, Diabefly Pro changed Capt. Handa’s life for the better and now it can help you too. To know more about Diabefly Pro, visit or call us at +91 22 4897 1077.

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