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Fitness,Heart Health,Nutrition

Published on: Jul 22, 2024

3 min Read

9 Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure at Home

Explore 9 proven high blood pressure home remedies, in this blog. Manage high BP and boost your overall well-being naturally by following these home remedies

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Heart Health

Published on: Jun 18, 2024

4 min Read

How To Reduce Blood Pressure Without Medication?

Explore the top 6 lifestyle changes on how to reduce blood pressure without medication. Learn about diet tips, exercises, and habits to lower your blood pressure effectively.

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Heart Health,Nutrition

Published on: Jun 18, 2024

4 min Read

6 Tips to Increase HDL Cholesterol Levels

Discover ways to boost your "good" cholesterol with these tips to increase HDL cholesterol levels. Understand the importance of HDL and follow these expert guidelines for a healthier heart.

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Doctors Digest,Heart Health

Published on: Jun 13, 2024

4 min Read

Effective Hypertension Management: Lifestyle Modifications and Reduction Strategies

Hypertension, the “silent killer” in cardiovascular disease management, is emerging as a critical public health challenge. According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) latest report on hypertension, around 1.28 billion […]

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Heart Health,Nutrition

Published on: Jun 03, 2024

5 min Read

6 Top Heart-Healthy Foods

Explore the list of the top 6 healthy foods for the heart. These foods improve cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of heart disease.

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Heart Health

Published on: May 24, 2024

5 min Read

6 Signs of a Heart Attack a Month Before

Are you experiencing occasional chest pain along with sleep issues and unusual fatigue? Learn about the 6 warning symptoms of heart attack that can appear a month before it happens.

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Heart Health

Published on: May 15, 2024

5 min Read

How Do you Reduce Cholesterol Naturally?

In this informative article, discover the top 7 tips to lower your cholesterol naturally. Check out the FitHeart Program for such strategies to lower and maintain your Heart Health.

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Doctors Digest,Heart Health

Published on: May 15, 2024

3 min Read

Calculating Heart Age, CV Scores and Cardiovascular (CV) Risk

Discover how to navigate your heart age, cardiovascular (CV) scores, and cardiovascular risk effectively. Gain insights on how to calculate heart age and significance of cardiovascular risk score for heart health.

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Heart Health

Published on: May 10, 2024

4 min Read

7 Tips to Lower Your Heart Age

Explore the various chances of developing heart diseases that impact your heart age in this blog and uncover 7 valuable tips to effectively lower your heart age.

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Heart Health

Published on: May 08, 2024

4 min Read

How to Clear Blocked Arteries without Surgery?

How to clear blocked arteries without surgery? Discover tried-and-tested lifestyle modifications to reduce plaque and reverse coronary artery disease.

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