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How to Lose Weight Using Chia Seeds?

Updated on: Feb 01, 2024
5 min Read
Chia Seeds for weight loss
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What is Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are small, black or white seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is native to Mexico and Guatemala. Chia seeds have been a staple food in the diets of the Mayan and Aztec cultures for centuries.

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. They are also high in antioxidants and have been associated with various health benefits, such as reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and promoting heart health.

In this blog, let’s learn about how chia seeds for weight loss can help you to lose weight, a few chia seed recipes, and health benefits of chia seeds.

How Does Chia Seeds Help you Lose Weight?

Chia seeds has a high quantity of fiber that can suppress your hunger. It also contains a good amount of omega-3 fats, which helps you attain good health. It acts as a supplement for your weight loss diet.

Chia Seeds and Weight Loss

Gaining rolling popularity amongst the health-conscious category of consumers, chia seeds have quickly taken over the seed family not only on the top of grocery store shelves but also in people’s minds.

Known to have been heavily used in the Aztec and Mayan cuisine, Chia seeds have massively gained popularity they never knew before.

Social media has also picked on the chia trend with chia face masks, colorful recipes and experimental reviews which have garnered much interest.

These seeds are increasingly forming a part of daily diet plans, providing rich proteins, antioxidants and many other nutrients in a single spoonful. 

These tiny black and white seeds surprisingly fluff into a gel-like consistency when soaked in water. And while it is quite intriguing to see the appearance, the question here always is – what are the benefits? and do chia seeds help you lose weight?

There are several claims made regarding the health advantages, including that chia seeds help in weight loss.

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Is Chia Seeds Good for Weight Loss?

People designing their diet for weight loss are always on the lookout for interesting food options that they can experiment with regularly.

People are now focusing on losing weight more holistically, the idea being to make sure the diet is extremely healthy.

Chia seeds seem to be checking out all the boxes for such a category of consumers by not only proving that they are a powerhouse of nutrients but also being widely accessible and easy to incorporate into a daily diet.

Just a spoonful topped on a glass of water, and you’re done for the day!

With the high dietary fiber content, chia seeds have been known to aid the weight loss process. Extremely rich in nutrients and fibre content, they have been known to improve the feeling of satiety, thus, reducing instances of overeating junk, especially due to hunger pangs.

We are aware of the water retention that happens in our bodies due to high sodium intake resulting from unhealthy food habits. When such consumption reduces, it removes all excess water, helping you get into a slimmer form. 

Benefits of Chia Seeds in Weight Loss

Antioxidants are found in chia seeds which is supposed to have protective effects on the heart and liver, also they have anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Additionally, the high fiber content in the chia seeds is responsible for the regulation of blood sugar levels. 

Chia seeds contain a unique type of fiber called mucilage, which helps keep food in the stomach longer so that you feel full longer. This makes chia seeds ideal for weight loss because they help control hunger pangs.

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Let’s understand how much chia seeds you should consume per day.

Ideal Consumption of Chia Seeds for Weight Loss

Ideally, the daily consumption should be around one tablespoon but not exceeding 20 grams. The seeds might look tiny, but they hold great nutritional value to take you through the entire day. Here’s the right way to use chia seeds for weight loss.

How to Use Chia Seeds for Weight Loss?

Here are a few recipes for chia seeds to lose weight:

  1. Add them to your porridge, smoothies, juice, or to your pudding. Consuming chia seeds is really simple.
  2. Make chia seed water for weight loss – Add a spoonful of seeds or stir in a glass of water with some chia seeds to make Chia water.
  3. Salad is also a good option if you plan a veggie lunch. Just slice some vegetables, salad leaves, or lettuce, squeeze in half a lemon, and add a spoonful of chia seeds to the bowl. Experimental to the core, this lunch is sure to serve you full and flattered.

Best Time to Drink Chia Seeds for Weight Loss

Consuming chia water early in the morning will, however, be great in forming a good routine for you. The more important point here is to make sure to have chia regularly.

Even if you miss out on it early in the morning someday, a mid-day drink would be equally good.

Which is the Best Chia Seeds for Weight Loss?

Chia seeds are available in the market in two varieties – Black and White. Now, this confuses the masses as to which one to consume for weight loss. There is no or an absolutely marginal difference in the nutritional values of both varieties.

Due to its rarer availability, white chia seeds seem to have picked up the news, but both varieties are equally good for consumption when focusing on designing your weight loss diet plan.

Basil seeds V/S Chia seeds

Are you one of those people who are often confused between basil seeds & chia seeds & consider the two of them to be the same? Then let us help you burst the bubble!

Both the seeds are different & they have different sets of health benefits. This video will help you upgrade your knowledge & understand the difference, so stay tuned till the end.


Chia seeds should be included in any diet for weight loss. They are a good source of healthy fat, fiber, and antioxidants. Adding chia seeds to your diet is an easy method to lose weight.

Chia seeds are safe to eat, but some people may experience an allergic reaction. Consuming chia seeds should be done with caution if you take blood pressure medication.

If you are not sure what food ingredients to use and which ones to avoid, or what else to do to get rid of the stubborn weight, it’s best to ask an expert and that’s where we can help you.

Fitterfly’s Weight Loss Program is designed to provide holistic support for individuals trying to lose weight for health reasons. Our team of expert healthcare professionals, including doctors, dietitians, fitness experts, and psychologists, work together to create a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Our approach towards weight loss is such that it not just reduces but stays reduced even after the program is over for you.

To learn more, speak to us or simply give us a missed call at 08046807733, and we will reach out to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long to soak chia seeds for weight loss?

You can soak chia seeds overnight for weight loss.

Can I eat chia seeds without soaking?

You can, but the maximise benefit you will get when soaked.

Is it ok to eat chia seeds everyday?

Yes, you can eat chia seeds everyday.

Which chia seed is best for weight loss?

Both black and white chia seeds offer similar nutritional benefits, and helps you to lose weight.

Are chia seeds fattening?

If consume more than recommended, they will be fattening because they contain high amount of fats.

How many times to drink chia seeds soaked water for weight loss?

Once in a day, or if you are not able to consume the whole amount then divide them in smaller portion and consume.

How many tablespoons of chia seeds should i eat a day to lose weight?

There is no ideal quantity, it should be a part of your diet plan. Therefore, speak to your dietitian or healthcare provider for appropriate portion size.

How long does chia seeds take to lose weight?

If it is a part of your diet plan, it would take approximately 2-3 months to get the visible result.

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One thought on “How to Lose Weight Using Chia Seeds?

  1. I have very stubborn fat on my arms and butt. Consuming how much chia seeds per day is good for the weight reduction. And how & when to consume.

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