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Understanding Insulin Side Effects: What You Need to Know

Published on: Oct 04, 2023
5 min Read
Understanding Insulin Side Effects
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Insulin is a hormone, secreted by the pancreas, that regulates blood glucose entry into all cells in the body. Cells then use the glucose effectively to provide energy. Diabetes alters the whole scenario!

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Understanding Insulin and Diabetes

In diabetes, either there is insufficient insulin production or the cells are not sensitive or efficient enough to use it. The result is high blood glucose levels. That is when your diabetologist will prescribe insulin as a medication. 

Evolution of Insulin for Diabetes

Insulin has undergone a remarkable evolution since its discovery in the early 1920s, progressing from crude animal extracts to highly refined recombinant versions. This advancement has transformed diabetes care, improving both the safety and effectiveness of insulin therapy and, as a result, prolonging the lives of millions of people worldwide.

Insulin Side Effects – A Quick Overview

Like with all medicines, the side effects of insulin also occur, however they are usually rare. Let us have a look at the probable insulin side effects:

Local Side Effects of Insulin

These are the side effects of insulin that happen around the injection site: 

1. Allergies

Allergy to insulin is a rare fact, and doses are usually administered after a patch test. However, if you happen to develop rashes, or any such typical allergy features soon after the insulin injection, immediately report them to a hospital or inform your diabetologist. 

2. Skin Changes 

Abnormal fat distribution, or lipodystrophy, leading to skin-related changes, is one of the many side effects of insulin. It is noticeable in two ways: 

  • Lipohypertrophy: Repeated injections of insulin at a particular site in the body may hamper its absorption, causing the fat cells in the skin to swell up. It resembles a bump on the skin.
  • Lipoatrophy: Injecting insulin at the same site can break down the fats in the cells of the skin, causing pitting or depression in that area. 

The best remedies to prevent these insulin side effects are:

  • Rotate the injection sites of insulin
  • Never inject insulin into a swollen or pitted site
  • Consult your diabetic coach for the correct insulin injection protocols

Systemic Side Effects of Insulin

These are the side effects of insulin that may affect general health:

  • Hypoglycemia

As such, insulin is efficient in managing blood sugar levels; however, mismanagement of insulin intake can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels, scientifically called hypoglycemia. When blood glucose falls below 70 mg/dl, it is better termed hypoglycemia. 

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The primary causes of hypoglycemia related to insulin intake are:

  • The timing of the insulin: Your blood sugar may drop suddenly if you take more insulin than is recommended, either frequently or in larger doses.
  • Misalignment of meals and insulin intake: Skipping meals/fasting and taking insulin can destabilise blood sugar levels, resulting in a sharp drop in blood glucose.

How to tackle insulin side effects?

The best way to approach hypoglycemia is by following the ‘Rule of 15’. Wondering what it is?

  • Make sure your blood sugar levels are under 70 mg/dL, which indicates hypoglycemia, by using a glucometer.  
  • In order to raise blood sugar levels, take in 15 gm of carbohydrates. For instance, 150 ml of fruit juice (without added sugars), 3 glucose-containing hard candies, 15 gm of glucose powder, etc.
  • Wait 15 minutes to let the carbohydrates raise your blood sugar levels and be absorbed.
  • If your blood sugar levels have increased above 90 mg/dL after 15 minutes (the desired range), check them again.

If your blood sugar remains below 90 mg/dL, repeat the first step and wait another 15 minutes. 

  • A balanced meal or snack is necessary to provide sustained energy and avoid a subsequent drop in blood sugar levels once your blood sugar levels exceed 90 mg/dL.

Remember that the Rule of 15 is only a guideline for managing low blood sugar levels; for tailored guidance on managing diabetes and hypoglycemia, speak with the diabetologist.

How can you prevent these side effects of insulin in the future?

  • Schedule your meal and snack times, and be consistent with them
  • Work closely with your diabetologist and your dietician to determine the correct dose of insulin, the time of intake, and the preferred diet.
  • Do not forget to monitor your blood glucose levels daily to see the efficacy of the insulin doses and the planned diet
  • Weight Gain

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When blood glucose levels fall below a certain threshold without a corresponding decrease in calorie consumption, weight gain can occur. A subconscious fear or prior experience with hypoglycemia may be driving this increase in calorie intake. 

Another cause of weight gain is water and salt retention in the body. Medically, this is referred to as peripheral oedema

How can you prevent these side effects of insulin?

The most effective approach is to lower the quantity of insulin required by increasing insulin sensitivity. Here are a few ways to do it:

  • A balanced diet is the key.
  • Do not overeat or eat too often for fear of a hypoglycemic episode 
  • Physical activity and workouts that will initiate energy expenditure
  • Use additional oral medications to reduce blood sugar levels, as directed by your diabetologist.
  • In the case of peripheral oedema, raise the afflicted limbs to allow the reversal of fluid flow. Say no to salty foods and junk food, and consult a healthcare professional to understand if the insulin dose or your diet has to be tweaked. 

Remember that the newer variations of insulin, like the GLP analogue, do not have the issue of weight gain.

You must work closely with your physician to monitor your insulin levels, have a balanced diet, cut back on fatty foods, control smoking and drinking, and remain physically active to boost your heart health. 


The eyes see what the mind knows. Even though insulin side effects are rare, the best way to deal with the side effects of insulin is by being aware of them and busting the myths smartly.

Be disciplined with your lifestyle and follow your physicians and coaches well to prevent unnecessary insulin side effects.

Consider consulting our expert diabetologists and dieticians onboard Fitterfly’s Diabetes Care Program to learn more. You can also directly sign up for our program if you wish to know more. 

To know if you can reverse your diabetes, try our Fitterfly Diabetes Reversal Calculator.

You can also speak to one of our counselors by just giving us a missed call at 08069450746, and we will definitely get back to you.

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