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Chart of Normal Blood Sugar Levels by Age

Updated on: Feb 06, 2024
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A few years ago, diabetes was a condition that was prevalent in older adults. However, today, the incidence of type 2 diabetes has risen significantly in younger individuals, including children.

For this reason, understanding your blood sugar levels can help you take early action and know if your diabetes management plan is working. This is particularly important if you have a predisposition or family history of diabetes. 

In this article, we will share the blood sugar level ranges and what the normal and target blood sugar levels should be at different ages.


Why Do Blood Glucose Levels Rise in Diabetes?

Before we jump headlong into blood sugar levels and their variations, we must understand why they tend to rise, especially in people with diabetes. 

  • When we eat food, it is digested and converted into glucose. 
  • This glucose is released into the bloodstream, causing a rise in blood sugar levels after eating
  • The hormone insulin produced by the pancreas helps body cells absorb glucose from the blood and lowers blood glucose levels.

There are two primary reasons why diabetes occurs:

  • Insulin deficiency: The pancreas produces less insulin than what is required by the body, resulting in a rise in blood sugar levels. This is seen in type 1 or juvenile diabetes.
  • Insulin resistance: When the body cells do not respond to insulin produced by the body. This is seen in type 2 diabetes.

Due to both these reasons, the body’s cells are unable to absorb the glucose from the blood, resulting in high blood glucose levels.

Over a period of time, if not corrected, high blood glucose levels can damage kidneys, nerves, eyes and heart. So, it is vital to maintain your blood sugar levels within the normal range for your age.

What Blood Sugar Level is Normal?

According to ADA, or the American Diabetes Association, the following blood sugar level is the normal range that healthcare teams recommend for individuals who do not have diabetes.

Result A1C Test  Fasting Blood Sugar Test Glucose Tolerance Test Random Blood Sugar Test
Normal Less than 5.7% 100 mg/dL or lesser 140 mg/dL or lesser Less than 200 mg/dl 

While these are the recommended blood sugar levels for those who do not have diabetes, your healthcare provider will be able to give you the best target range for your blood sugar levels based on other factors such as your age, overall health, any medications you are on and so on.

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What is the Normal Range of Blood Sugar by Age?

According to experts, there are no age-specific cut-offs for people who don’t have diabetes. Those readings are only for people who have type 2 diabetes. For someone who doesn’t have diabetes, the blood sugar cut-off remains the same for all ages.

From children, teenagers, and adults to senior citizens. For those who do not have diabetes, the normal blood sugar levels chart is usually recommended to be between – 

Condition Normal blood glucose range
Fasting or before any meal is taken 70 to 100 mg/dL
0 to 2 hours after the last meal was taken <140 mg/dL

How to Diagnose Diabetes in Adults?

Following are the diagnostic criteria for diabetes in adults.

Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes
Result Normal Prediabetes Diabetes
A1C Test Less than 5.7% 5.7% to 6.4% 6.5% or higher
Fasting Blood Sugar Test (preprandial) 100 mg/dL or lesser 100 to 125 mg/dL 126 mg/dL
Glucose Tolerance Test 140 mg/dL or lesser 140 to 199 mg/dL >200 mg/dL
Random Blood Sugar Test Less than 200 mg/dl
Postprandial blood sugar (2 to 3 hrs after meal) Less than 140 mg/dL <180 mg/dL (Peak post-prandial plasma blood glucose) Less than 180 mg/dL

To diagnose diabetes in adults, it is advisable to undergo a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), which is the gold standard. For this test, you must consume 75 g of glucose before the test.

What are the Target blood glucose Levels if you Have Diabetes?

If you have diabetes, your target blood glucose levels may vary slightly from others with the same condition. However, there’s a target blood glucose chart that is used largely:

Parameter Target Value
HbA1c Less than 7%
Fasting blood glucose Between 90 to 130 mg/dL
Post-Prandial Less than 180 mg/dL (Peak post-prandial blood glucose)

Blood Sugar Level Chart In Children [6 to 12 years] Age-Wise

Just like in adults, blood sugar levels in children should remain under control. The normal expected range of blood sugar levels in children is (According to Joslin):

Result Toddlers and Preschoolers School-age Adolescents and young adults
A1C Test 7% to 9% Under 8% Under 7%
Fasting Blood Sugar Test (before meal- whole blood) 90 to 180 mg/dL 70 to 180 mg/dL 70 to 150 mg/dL
Bedtime/ Overnight (whole blood) 100 to 200 mg/dL 90-180 mg/dL 80 to 160 mg/dL

Blood sugar levels in children also vary throughout the day and based on their meals. Since blood sugar levels in children of 6 to 12 years rise after meals, they must limit their snacks before bedtime.

To ensure blood sugar levels in children remain within the normal range, they must eat a balanced diet and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Determination of fasting plasma glucose is the preferred means of testing, with a positive diagnosis when fasting plasma glucose is 126 mg/dL or higher. Testing should be repeated every 2 years.

Random Blood Sugar Level Chart

A blood sugar test performed at any time of the day is called a random blood sugar test(reading).

According to the UK Diabetes Association, here’s what random blood sugar levels should be:

Normal Prediabetes Diabetes
Random blood sugar level Below 200 mg/dL N/A 200 mg/dL


Blood sugar levels vary as per your age group and time of the day. At Fitterfly, we help you maintain your blood glucose levels within the optimal range with customised diet plans, exercise regimes, stress management, and improving your sleep quality.

Not only this, but we also map your personal glycemic response to understand the root cause of your blood sugar spikes. 

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We use a continuous glucose monitor or CGM to take about 1300+ readings in 2 weeks. To understand your blood glucose levels, including your HbA1c and your time in range (the duration for which you have normal blood sugar levels during the day).

If you have diabetes and are looking to bring your blood sugar under control, we have a solution for you! Check out the Fitterfly Diabetes Prime Program. To learn more, simply give us a missed call at 08069450746, and we will reach out to you.

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