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Diabefly Success Story: How Mr Anand Jain Reversed Prediabetes and Avoided Starting Medicines for Type 2 Diabetes

Published on: Dec 10, 2021
4 min Read
Success story of prediabetes reversal
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Prediabetes Reversal Success Story

“All that I have learnt from the Diabefly program, I continue to implement to date. Whatever I have achieved through this program, I am still able to sustain, and today I am diabetes free” – Mr. Anand Jain, living prediabetes and diabetes-free since February 2021.

These are the words of 38-year-old advocate Mr. Anand Jain, who was diagnosed with prediabetes and was on the brink of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

It was after a high blood sugar reading that his physician recommended Diabefly as a solution to reverse his prediabetes and stop its progression to type 2 diabetes. 

At the start of the Diabefly program, Mr. Anand Jain’s blood sugar levels clearly indicated prediabetes with a great possibility of progressing to type 2 diabetes — a wake-up call that both he and his doctor answered. 

With the aim of getting his blood sugar levels back in check, possibly reversing his prediabetes and mainly stopping its progression, Mr Anand Jain joined Diabefly.

Diabefly is a three-month program that assists you to get your blood sugar levels back in control through nutrition, physiotherapy, and psychological intervention.

In essence, Diabefly is a personalised, holistic, digital therapeutic program that helps you make long-term, sustainable lifestyle changes.

And, that’s what Mr. Anand Jain really required — by the end of three months, Mr. Anand Jain had reversed his prediabetes. Here are his outcomes:

How the Diabefly program worked for Mr. Anand Jain?

After Mr. Anand Jain’s doctor talked to him about what prediabetes was, how it was the best time for him to turn things around and work towards reversing it and preventing its progression to type 2 diabetes; Mr. Anand Jain started his Diabefly journey — with a reliable coach by his side. 

Upon joining, he was first told about the CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) sensor that would be placed for a period of 14 days.

The CGM machine then takes several readings throughout this period, continuously monitoring your blood sugar levels, eventually giving you data about the highs and lows of your blood sugar levels over a period of time.

This data is then analyzed and helps you and your coach make decisions about how to balance your food, physical activity, and medicines. 

All of this then dictates what you should eat, what’s best avoided, and what portion size you should eat it in. 

In the case of Mr. Jain, once his coach Ms. Bhumi Chandarana understood what worked for his blood sugar levels, she proceeded to create a personalized plan for him.

“After starting the Diabefly program I have understood what I should eat, and what I should avoid, and more importantly when I should eat certain foods I loved.” said, Mr. Jain.

What’s more, Mr. Jain never felt like his nutrition or exercise regimens were restrictive — which allowed him to make long-standing lifestyle changes that were sustainable. 

Diabetes success story

Achieving outcomes

Nutrition: “ Before I started the Diabefly program, I believed that all home-cooked meals were good for me, but it was after I joined that I learnt that everything should be eaten in the right combination and portion control — irrespective of where it was cooked.

Nutrition was no more a stressor for me, it was just about sticking to the right combinations and portion size.” said Mr. Anad Jain. 

He added, “I found this extremely sustainable and a long-term lifestyle change, that I could make easily. Which is why, till date, I am able to follow all that I learnt through the program.”


Mr Jain became a lot more active and eventually became leaner. The leaner he got, the better his ability to perform exercises and, more importantly, control his blood sugar levels. 

 “At the end of this program, when I visited my doctor, he was amazed at how well I had controlled my blood sugar levels, and also congratulated me on managing to reverse my blood sugar levels,” said a happy and healthy Mr Jain.

If you want to achieve a sustainable lifestyle change and reverse prediabetes, then the Diabefly program is for you. Learn more about the program here or speak to one of our counselors on 022 48971077 (EXT 1).

Read more about Mrs Subhangi Pawar’s journey to control her blood sugar levels

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