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Diabefly Success Story: How Mrs Shubhangi Patil Got Her Blood Sugars in Control, HbA1c Dropped From 9.8 to 6.8% in Three Months

Published on: Dec 03, 2021
4 min Read
Mrs Shubhangi Patil | Diabefly Success Story | Diabefly | Fitterfly
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Shubhangi Patil, a 38-year-old school teacher from Mumbai, had a host of health problems that kept bothering her, weight gain, high sugar levels (fasting 149 mg/dL, and HbA1c 9.8%), and sleep problems.

Looking for help, to smartly control her blood sugar levels, she chose the Diabefly program to bounce back to good health. 

The Diabefly program is a three-month program that helps get your blood sugars in control through nutrition, physiotherapy, and psychological interventions.

Shubhangi enrolled for the Diabefly program after her diabetologist Dr. Vivek Raskar persuaded her. At the end of three months, her results seemed so reassuring. Here are the outcomes: 

In this article you will read about:

Diabefly success story

Flashback to Shubhangi’s life before enrolling in Diabefly:

While Shubhangi had some persistent health problems, the lockdown and the pandemic also had a fair share of contribution towards her ill health. Hours of online teaching and sitting on the couch aggravated her back pain, followed by lack of sleep and fatigue.

A proper diagnosis of the pain revealed that she suffered from lumbar spondylosis – a form of lower back pain prevalent among the masses. During this time, her doctor also advised her to go for a blood test. “It was in March’21 when I did a blood test and realized I have diabetes.

Before the diagnosis little did I know that my raised blood sugar levels were setting up the stage for various health disasters. My sleep had taken a toll, I could barely manage to get sound sleep for two hours at night.

I felt lethargic and there came a time when I was advised to complete bed rest as I was unable to do anything,” recalls Mrs. Subhangi of her days of woe.

But Mrs. Shubhangi didn’t leave anything to chance. “Diabetes runs in my family, my father has been living with this condition for too long, I didn’t want to have the same fate and live in the constant fear of complication flare-ups,” says Subhangi.

Moreover, she was determined to do something about her condition. So on her doctor’s initiation, she chose the Diabefly program to control her blood sugars and live a more fulfilling life. 

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How the program helped

Diabefly is a specialized program that focuses on a 360-degree approach to help patients control their blood sugars scientifically and in a planned manner. “I had three coaches to assist me in my journey with Diabefly. They helped me to learn the right things about nutrition, exercise, and stress management.” 

Achieving the outcomes

   1. Nutritional interventions:

“Being a Maharashtrian, I was worried that I have to give up eating rice because of diabetes, and rice is our staple food. But my nutrition coach taught me how to choose healthier alternatives and made me switch to brown rice instead of white.

My sweet tooth cravings were also addressed – dark chocolate, seasonal fruits – no going off sugar strictly.” 

   2. Physiotherapy interventions:

“As mentioned, my pain had increased incessantly post the diagnosis of lumbar spondylosis, but with help of my physiotherapy coach I could strengthen my back and regain lost energy.

I followed the exercises given to me by my physiotherapy coach and after three months my back pain receded and now I am able to climb three to four flights of stairs without any pain or discomfort.

If I can rate my back pain from a scale of o to 100, then it was 100 when I started on the Diabefly program and now it is at a manageable 10.”

   3. Psychological interventions:

“I can’t deny the fact that my stress levels also increased after my blood sugars soared. But with regular counseling and tips from my coach I was able to manage stress and anxiety.

We hardly realised that our mental health comes in the way of our diabetes management. But I was lucky to keep my stress-controlled to get ahead with my therapy as planned.”


  • She lives a more fulfilling life 
  • She is dependent on fewer medications
  • She can keep her blood sugars in control 
  • She is the healthiest version of herself 

To know more about Fitterfly and how it can help you smartly take control of your diabetes, or speak to one of our counselors on 022 48971077 (EXT 1). 

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