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Why Everyone with Diabetes Should Know About Metformin?

Published on: Mar 12, 2024
4 min Read
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Just took your blood sugar pill? Just as you eat your meals and do daily tasks without fail, if you’re managing diabetes, you likely take a daily dose of Metformin.

But hold on, did you ever wonder how these pills help control your blood sugar? 

These pills help you by keeping your blood sugar levels under control. But lets first understand why medication is necessary to manage your diabetes?

Why Medication Is Required to Manage Diabetes?

Before jumping to the question let’s understand what happens exactly when you have diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition where the body struggles to manage blood sugar levels properly. 

In Type 2 Diabetes, our body struggles to use insulin (a hormone controlling blood sugar) properly, often needing medication to improve insulin use or lower the sugar our liver produces.

Medication becomes important in managing diabetes because it helps keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range

diabetes and metformin

Medications help in different ways, such as 

  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Increase insulin production
  • Decrease liver’s sugar production
  • Help maintain stable blood sugar
  • Prevent diabetes complications

Diabetes and Metformin often go hand in hand as metformin is commonly prescribed to manage blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

How Metformin Came into Existence?

Metformin is the top choice for treating type 2 diabetes and has an interesting past. 

  • It comes from a plant called goat’s rue, used in old European medicine, discovered in 1918 to lower blood sugar
  • Early on, Metformin medicine for diabetes was overlooked because it wasn’t as strong as other similar medicines, which were later stopped due to safety concerns. 
  • Rediscovered in the 1940s during antimalarial research, it accidentally showed promise in lowering blood sugar. By 1957, it started being used for diabetes.
  • At first, Europe favored metformin for its safety and effectiveness without causing weight gain or too low blood sugar. 
  • The U.S. started using it in 1995, and by 1998, studies proved it also helped prevent heart problems, making it the go-to drug for diabetes. 

Today, metformin is the most used diabetes drug worldwide, with potential for more health benefits.

What is Metformin?

Metformin is a prescription medication primarily used to treat type 2 diabetes. It works by lowering glucose production in the liver, improving insulin sensitivity, and facilitating glucose uptake by muscles.

Metformin medicine for diabetes is commonly prescribed by doctors due to its effectiveness in controlling blood sugar levels.

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Uses of Metformin

Use of Metformin How?
Primary Use: To Manage Blood Suagr Levels – Diabetes Metformin helps lower blood sugar levels by improving the body’s response to insulin, making it the go-to medication for managing type 2 diabetes.
Prediabetes For people with prediabetes, where blood sugar levels are high but not high enough to be classified as diabetes, Metformin can help delay or prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
PCOS Metformin helps regulate menstrual cycles and improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which can be beneficial in managing symptoms of PCOS.
Weight Management Though Metformin is not a weight-loss medication, it can support weight management for people with type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and potentially leading to a reduction in weight.

Metformin in Pregnancy

You may have seen Metformin being prescribed to some women during pregnancy. But is it safe to take during this time? Let’s find out the answer:

  • Gestational Diabetes: For women who develop diabetes during pregnancy, Metformin can be an alternative to insulin for controlling blood sugar levels. It’s important to manage blood sugar effectively to reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and delivery.
  • PCOS: Women with PCOS who become pregnant might continue taking Metformin to help manage symptoms and potentially reduce the risk of miscarriage, which is higher in PCOS pregnancies.
  • Safety & Monitoring: Metformin is generally considered safe during pregnancy, but expecting mothers should have a detailed discussion with their doctor. It’s important to have regular check-ups to assess the health of the pregnancy and understand the effects of Metformin on both the mother and baby.

Side Effects of Metformin for Diabetes

Metformin is generally considered to be a safe drug for people with diabetes but few may experience 

  • Common gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Lactic acidosis, especially in those with kidney problems.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency with long-term use.

Precautions if You Are Taking Metformin

  • If you have any pre-existing conditions (such as kidney or liver issues, heart disease), discuss with your doctor. 
  • Also, you should limit alcohol consumption, and be 
  • If you are taking other medications, be aware of potential interactions with Metformin.

Metformin could be your true companion for diabetes management, offering benefits beyond blood sugar control. But before taking it, you should consult with your doctor.

It is essential to tailor treatment as per your body’s need, ensuring better management and optimal health outcomes . 

At Fitterfly, we understand that managing diabetes effectively involves a comprehensive approach, including lifestyle modifications, timely medication, and adhering to your doctor’s advice.

Our dedicated team of experts is committed to offering you the best solutions for managing your diabetes, incorporating trusted medications like Metformin alongside our innovative programs.

If you’re looking to take control of your diabetes, reach out to us at 08069450746 to learn more about our Diabetes Prime Program and discover how they can assist you in your journey towards better health.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Best Time to Take Diabetes Medicine Metformin?

Typically, with meals to reduce stomach upset. Extended-release versions can be taken once daily with an evening meal. But it is recommended to follow the instructions given by your healthcare provider about when to take the medication.

How Does Metformin Help Diabetes?

It reduces liver glucose production which increases insulin sensitivity, and enhances glucose uptake by muscles.

How to Take Metformin for Diabetes?

Always take the medication as prescribed by your doctor. Generally Metformin is taken with meals to minimize side effects.

What are the Alternatives to Metformin for Diabetes?

There are several other medicine which helps you to manage your blood sugar level but it is recommended to consult your healthcre provider before switching to other medication. Also, do not try to self medicate with some other medications, as it can be harmful for you.

How Effective Is Metformin for Diabetes?

It is highly effective in lowering blood glucose levels and is often the first medication prescribed.

What Is Better Than Metformin for Diabetes?

It depends on individual health profiles. Your healthcare provider may prescribe it alone or in combination therapy with other medications or with insulin.

How Long Does Metformin Take to Work for Diabetes?

Starts to work within a few days, with up to 2 weeks for full effect.

How Many mg of Metformin for Diabetes?

The dosages vary for each person. Usually the dose of Metformin starts from 250 mg to 3000 mg/per day.

Is it Safe to Take Metformin During Pregnancy?

Metformin is usually considered to be safe in pregnancy but only your healthcare provider will decide if you should take or not. Its use must be closely monitored by a healthcare provider to ensure safety for both mother and baby.

- By Fitterfly Health-Team

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