How to Use Black Salt for Weight Loss?

Published on: Aug 18, 2022
3 min Read
black salt for weight loss
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When you are trying to lose weight, you get ambushed by suggestions and “nuskhes” about the best way to lose weight from all around you. Whether it is desi dads asking you to wake up early and go to the park, or your over-enthusiastic friend/relative, while all these recommendations are all in good spirit, they are not necessarily scientific.

One of the things that you’ve heard is that black salt is better than other salts and helps lose weight. In this article, we will take a look at whether or not black salt can actually help you reduce and manage weight, how you can use it, and what other health benefits it has.

Let’s examine whether this is really the case. 

So, the truth is all salts have the same sodium content. Other than low sodium salts, called LONA – where sodium is replaced by potassium. 

Is black salt good for weight loss? 

No, because the sodium content is the same as in other salts.  Therefore, if you consume a high amount, it may increase the chances of water retention, which will make you weigh more. If you have diabetes and hypertension, this salt will add to the problem. 

Therefore, replacing table salt with black salt in your regular salt will not have any effect on your weight loss efforts. 

What are the myths about black salt when it comes to weight loss?

1. Does it have a low sodium content?

No, it doesn’t. You are better off choosing a LONA salt that doesn’t have sodium but has potassium instead. 

2. Does it improve digestion?

No, there is no clinical evidence that helps improve digestion. 

3. Does it reduce water retention?

No, any salt when consumed in high quantities will increase water retention. 

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Does black salt have benefits for weight loss?

No. We’ve already established that this is not the case. But does black salt have any benefits at all? No, don’t worry, it might still be useful for you. Here’s how:

1. Less fatigue and makes you feel refreshed

  • If you are looking for an instant mood-lifter, add some black salt to a tub of water and dip your feet in it. Doing this at the end of a tiring hectic day can make you feel relaxed and help you lift your mood instantly. Not just that, using black salt can also be a great way to take care of any cracked skin issues in the feet! 
  • If you are dehydrated, then a quick fix with black salt and some sugar in water or with lemon can help you feel refreshed and hydrated. 

2. Reduces cramps and muscle spasms

  • Black salt is a rich source of potassium. As a result, it helps in the smooth and proper functioning of the muscles. Therefore, adding it to your diet can help reduce muscle spasms or cramps. 

So, if black salt is not the  answer to your weight loss woes, then what is?

Nothing beats making sustainable lifestyle changes. By improving your diet, increasing your physical activity, improving your sleep quality, and improving your stress management efforts.

This may seem a little overwhelming but with expert guidance and support from coaches, you can lose weight and learn how to maintain it.  Fitterfly’s weight loss program Reset23 is India’s first doctor-recommended plan for stubborn weight loss.

- By Fitterfly Health-Team
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