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Vegetables to Eat for Weight Loss in Monsoon Season

Published on: Aug 10, 2022
3 min Read
Vegetables to eat for weight loss in monsoon season
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Healthy vegetables to eat for weight loss during the rainy season

With the changing season, changing the food items you include in your diet is essential. Consider eating season-specific foods as they provide the body with essential nutrients with respect to the season. 

Consuming monsoon-specific foods right now is the need of the hour as most illnesses are caused in the rainy season. But wait! By that, we don’t want you to binge on oily pakodas or fat-rich samosas & vada pavs.

These foods won’t give any nutrients to your body but will just result in you gaining some extra kilos. So be wise & take the clever step! It’s time to add monsoon-specific vegetables in your diet.

They will not only promote weight loss but also help your body overcome seasonal illness & boost overall immunity. 

Top 5 nutrient-rich monsoon-friendly vegetables that promote weight loss:

1. Bottle gourd/lauki

Bottle gourd promotes weight loss, helps control sugar, and prevents monsoon diseases. Consuming bottle gourd in the monsoon enhances digestive health and prevents food-borne illnesses. 

Nutrition value 

100 grams of the edible portion contains 1 g of fat. 100 g of bottle gourd contains 15 calories. Its water content is 96%. It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, riboflavin, zinc, thiamine, iron, magnesium and manganese.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a good source of vitamin A, E, and C, beta carotene, folic acid, and fiber. All these nutrients and antioxidants bestow you with a great immune system, due to this, your metabolism will stay in check & you will easily lose weight.

Although you may find multiple references saying it’s not good to consume leafy vegetables during monsoons because of the mud and dirt sticking to them, you can always wash them well before cooking.

Nutrition value

30 grams of raw spinach contains 1 gram carb, 0.7 gram fibre, 0.9 grams protein & 7 calories.

3. Bitter gourd/ Karela

Aahh! Don’t feel bitter after reading this name in the list. Trust us, this is the most healthful & low calories vegetable out of all.

The bitter juice of bitter gourd can actually help you burn belly fat and help you lose weight quickly. 

Nutrition value

100 grams of bitter gourd gives about 19 calories of energy. 3.5 grams of carbs & 2.4 grams of fibre are present in 100 grams of karela, while it contains only 150 mg of fats and 930 mg of proteins.

It also has a high water content of 87 grams. Karela is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.

4. Pointed gourd/Parwal

Parwal heals constipation, aids digestion & promotes weight loss. They are also proven to control cough, cold, headaches and other common monsoon illnesses. 

Nutrition value

Parwal’s value per serving consists of 4.4 grams of protein, 7.6 grams of carbs, 1.4 grams of fiber & 14.5 grams of fat.

5. Indian squash/ Tinda

Tinda is low in calories & high in nutrients. It is rich in water content & dietary fiber that keeps you full for longer, reduces cravings & helps in burning fat. 

Nutrition value

Tinda consists of 94% water and has very few calories, approximately 66 cal in 100 grams per serving.

Wondering how vegetables help you lose weight?

Let us throw some light!

Vegetables are loaded with fiber, which helps to keep you full. Since fiber takes a while to digest and subsequently, prevents you from overeating.

They are full of minerals and vitamins that might be useful to your body to further improve digestion and burn belly fat. Including these in your diet regimen will not only help you in your weight reduction but also to live a healthy life.

Is it mandatory to eat vegetables regularly to lose weight? 

Consuming vegetables regularly is not a compulsion, but if you consume them regularly, then you will achieve your weight-loss-related goals faster & better!

You can easily lose weight if you eat vegetables every day in a defined proportion.

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Reset23 offers data-backed diet plans, motivation and guidance from expert coaches to exercise along with support to manage your sleep and stress.

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