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Diabetes Success Story: Dropped HbA1c from 8.3% to 6.9%

Published on: Mar 17, 2022
4 min Read
Diabefly Success story
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“I can’t thank enough Team Diabefly for helping me with my 2 biggest concerns — uncontrolled diabetes and episodes of low blood sugar in the most affordable and sustainable manner.

And, to my surprise, my blood sugars got in control with the simple inexpensive food items that were readily available in my small town.” – Mr Ashim Kr Roy, working in West Bengal Power Supply, posted at a small island near Kolkata.

Mr Ashim Kumar Roy is a 55-year-old man living with diabetes for more than three decades. He had tried multiple things like crash dieting, exercising, taking his medicines regularly to control his blood sugars, but nothing worked for him as well as Diabefly did. 

Mr Ashim Kumar Roy Outcomes

Diabefly Success Story Outcomes
Mr Ashim Kumar Roy Outcomes

A Flashback Into His Life Before Enrolling on the Diabefly Program

He is a government employee posted at a small island town near Kolkata with limited availability of food items and diabetes medications. That is why he wanted a diet plan that is practically feasible for him and could be sustained in the long run. 

Apart from type 2 diabetes, he had several other diabetes-related conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetic retinopathy (damage to the eye’s retina), and diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage).

In addition, his past medical history revealed recurrent urinary tract infections and kidney problems. Before enrolling on the Diabefly program, Mr Roy approached other dieticians to get his diabetes in check.

But they gave him a very restrictive diet plan with a list of ‘what not to eat’ instead of helping him find foods he could eat. Although Mr Roy took medications on time and did everything he could to control his diabetes, all went in vain.

So he wanted to understand where EXACTLY is he going wrong! And when Mr Roy read the positive outcomes of Diabefly on Facebook, he thought of giving it a try! 

How Did Diabefly Help Mr Roy?

Mr Roy joined Diabefly to get his fluctuating blood sugars in check. Diabefly is a specialized diabetes care program that involves a multidisciplinary and scientific approach.

To help him achieve his health goal, his case was assigned to 3 Coaches, including a Nutritionist, a Physiotherapist and a Psychologist. After joining the program, a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) sensor was placed on Mr Roy’s forearm for 14 days.

The CGM machine took several readings throughout this period that gave valuable insights about what EXACTLY caused the ups and downs in his blood sugar levels throughout the day. 

This data was then analyzed that helped his 3 Coaches, including a Nutritionist, a Physiotherapist and a Psychologist, to make decisions about how to balance his food, physical activity, and stress levels.

After understanding what worked for his blood sugar levels, his Coaches created a personalized lifestyle plan for him.

Achieving the outcomes

1. Nutritional intervention

A Senior Nutritionist and a Certified Diabetes Educator, Ms Elina Mukherjee, closely worked with Mr Roy to understand his dietary patterns. 

She accordingly curated an affordable diet plan with readily available food items that met his needs and health goals. For example, he was a Bengali who was a fish and rice-lover, so Elina gave him a diet plan that included the staples. As a result, he was always compliant throughout the program journey. 

Here is how she helped him: 

  1. Advised him to improve his choice of carbohydrate sources and combinations.
  2. Reduced his gap in meals as it was causing blood glucose excursions.
  3. Improved his micronutrient intake by supplementing his diet with nuts and oilseeds.
  4. Guided him on ways to include fiber and protein in the meals.
  5. Included healthy mid-evening snacks.
  6. Corrected hypoglycemia episodes by including Lente carbohydrates (healthy carbs) at bedtime.
  7. Explained portion control and plate methods to balance the nutritional intake.

2. Physiotherapy interventions

The physical activity level of Mr Roy was negligible before joining the program. But later, under the supervision of trained Physiotherapist Dr Priyanka Dabkare, he started with his daily walk for 15-20 minutes.

3. Psychology interventions

Mr Roy had high-stress levels as he had substantial financial responsibilities in his life. As a result, his sleep was often disturbed, affecting his blood sugar levels. With the help of breathing techniques and one-on-one guided psychology sessions with his Psychologist, Ms Priyanka Shekar, his sleep quality improved. 

My Roy’s life today

  • He feels a lot more energetic and healthier.
  • He understands the behaviour of diabetes and how to control it efficiently.
  • Apart from diabetes, his other health conditions like high blood pressure & high cholesterol also improved.

He feels grateful to the entire Diabefly team, especially his Nutritionist, for helping him find a balance of foods that he enjoyed for years with new, healthy additions.

To know more about Diabefly and how to control diabetes in a pocket-friendly and sustainable way, visit or speak to our counsellors on 022 48971077 (Ext -1).

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