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Weight loss Success Story: Super busy Sidharth lost 8 kgs in just 3 months!

Published on: Oct 28, 2022
3 min Read
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Sidharth Khona, a 39-year-old business consultant from Mumbai, was looking for a perfect weight-loss program. His sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits throughout the years had pushed him to gain a lot of weight and on top of it, the lockdown and COVID times took a toll on his overall health. His search for a perfect solution for weight loss ended when he came across Fitterfly’s weight management program

Just in 3 months, Mr. Sidharth was able to achieve all his desired outcomes.

Sidharth weight loss success story


A Peek Into His Life Before Enrolling in the Fitterfly’s Weight Management Program

He is a business consultant who keeps very busy, therefore, he wanted a plan which could fit into his busy corporate life. He also had a bloating problem.

He tried multiple ways to manage weight in the past, such as consulting various dietitians, following vigorous exercise routines, and quitting certain foods but nothing worked in his favor. Although Mr. Sidharth did everything he could to manage his weight, it didn’t help him at all.

So when Mr. Sidharth read the positive outcomes of Fitterfly’s weight loss programs & got to know about them, he decided to enroll! 

How the program helped him

His Nutritionist & success coaches created tailor-made plans for him considering his busy routine. It was for the first time that he could follow such plans.

A Nutritionist and a Certified Diabetes Educator, Ms. Daksha Nohil, closely worked with Mr. Sidharth to understand his dietary patterns. 

She helped him understand various food items & the number of foods that he thought were healthy for him but were not. He also learned which combinations were good for him. 

So, even though the number of calories that he eats now is much lesser than what he used to earlier, He is never hungry. 

His success coach, Mr. Nishul Gupta, analyzed his lifestyle & understood what gave him stress

He worked on helping him manage his stress levels & supported him to improve his sleep quality which further improved Mr. Sidharth’s mental health. He no longer feels stressed or frustrated.

Mr. Sidharth’s life today

  • He is no longer messing around with his body & mind with junk food or thoughts.
  • He feels more active & energetic.
  • He’s got good control over his unhealthy cravings & his bloating issue is completely gone.
  • He has become the motivation for his wife & other family members
  • He knows which foods are good and bad for him

He is thankful to the entire Fitterfly team, especially his Nutritionist & success coach, for helping him achieve whatever he desired.

Link to his testimonial video – 


If you are looking for a solution for your stubborn weight just like Siddharth was then you should look no further than Fitterfly’s weight loss programs. Start  your journey today and call us here 022 4897 1077.

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One thought on “Weight loss Success Story: Super busy Sidharth lost 8 kgs in just 3 months!

  1. Amazing, what a rousing weight reduction venture! Sidharth’s devotion and assurance to lose 8 kgs in only 3 months while dealing with a bustling timetable is genuinely honorable. This example of overcoming adversity fills in as an inspiration for us all, demonstrating that with the right outlook and predictable exertion, we can accomplish our wellbeing objectives even in the midst of a feverish way of life. Congrats, Sidharth, you’ve shown us that the sky is the limit with regards to accomplishing a better and more joyful self! Keep up the incredible work!

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