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My Weight Loss Journey: How I Shed 12 Kg of Post-pregnancy Weight

Published on: Jan 06, 2022
4 min Read
Reset23 Success Story - A weight management program
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After having my second baby, although my family was complete, I had a host of health problems that bothered me day in and day out.

With Fitterfly Weight Loss Program, I discovered a healthier and happier life that I am still able to sustain, and today I am a superfit mom of my two munchkins!

I am Dr. Sugandh Goel, 37 years old, a full-time working professional. And this is my true story of how my team of 3 coaches of Fitterfly’s Weight Management Program helped me discover a new life that I could have not even dreamed of. 

We all know that shedding stubborn post-pregnancy fat can be highly challenging. However, with the help of the Fitterfly Weight Management program, which includes proper nutrition, physiotherapy, and psychological interventions, I got my results by the end of the program. Here are my outcomes: 

Reset23 Program Outcomes

A flashback into my life before enrolling in the Fitterfly Weight Loss Program

As a working woman and mother of two kids, I was always overwhelmed with family and work responsibilities. So I had no time to take care of my health. Instead, I ate and drank whatever came my way. As a result, it was getting impossible for me to shed my post-pregnancy fat.

This stubborn post-pregnancy weight lowered my self-confidence and caused backache, knee pain, and migraine. It was then I decided that I had to get rid of it. But, my biggest concern was what if I would regain the lost weight?

It happened to me earlier when I lost 10 kg weight under the supervision of a dietician after delivering my first baby. But those exotic or I would rather say ‘starving and strict’ diet plans were not sustainable in the long run. As a result, my weight bounced, and I gained 12 kgs back after returning to my old lifestyle. 

Before joining Fitterfly Weight Loss Program, I even tried different methods to lose weight. I followed fad diets like the Keto diet, Intermittent fasting, enrolled in a dance class to stay physically active, ate early dinner and much more, but nothing worked for me. 

When I saw and read the success stories of Fitterfly Weight Loss Program members, I knew that this program would give me the 360-degree, much-needed care that I was looking for. 

Healthy Weight

Is your weight increasing your health risk

How Fitterfly Weight Loss Program helped me?

Fitterfly Weight Loss Program is a specialized program that has helped me to lose weight in a planned manner. It used a multidisciplinary and scientific approach to help me shed weight.

With 3 Coaches on my side, I felt disciplined and pampered too, who stood by me in every step to achieve my weight loss goal and regain my self-confidence. 

Achieving my outcomes

1. Nutritional interventions  

My Coach Pooja (Nutritionist) did minor modifications in my lifestyle, which were doable even in my busy life. She gave me option-based diet plans, which she had curated according to my needs.

For example, since I am a paneer-lover, I had many options with paneer in my diet plan. Since I am from Delhi, it is a must for me to have roti-sabzi for dinner.

Unlike other dieticians and other weight loss programs that I have joined in the past, Pooja never stopped me from eating my staple food for dinner.

She taught me portion control and balanced my meals smartly by including salads, curd, and roti-sabzi. That is why I never felt starved at bedtime or low in energy throughout the day.

Another problem area for me was that I felt starving towards the end of the day. For that, Pooja gave me nutritious and yummy evening snacks like roasted channa, sprouts chaat, roasted peanuts etc.

I ate them before going to my dance class and cycling. She advised me to carry them to my office and keep munching on them so that I stay fuller for longer.

2. Physiotherapy interventions

Although I was already physically active before joining the program, my Physiotherapy Coach, Madhura, pushed me to work out regularly.

She explained the importance of strength training, the correct way of doing it, and why I should not miss my exercise routine. 

3. Psychology interventions

My Psychology Coach, Neha, gave me emotional support, especially during the COVID-19 second wave from April to May 2021. Otherwise, I would have resorted to eating junk food in stressful times.

Her tips on mindful eating and how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals in life to achieve my weight-loss goal were beneficial. 

4. Fitterfly Wellness App

Not to forget, I loved the Fitterfly Wellness App. After entering the food diary, it gave a clear picture or a report card of how I performed in the entire day. I could see my intake of protein, carbs, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc.

Toward the end of the day, my husband and I enjoyed entering my food diary together to see how many negative calories I had collected.

Additionally, I loved the beautifully designed messages with great scientific content that Pooja shared. I used to look forward to them. It brought a smile to my face instantly!

My life today

  1. I feel a lot more energetic
  2. I have regained my lost confidence
  3. People say I don’t look like a mother of two kids
  4. I have inspired many people around me to lead a healthier life through Fitterfly Weight Loss Program.

All thanks to Fitterfly Weight Loss Program and my team of fantastic coaches!

To know more about Fitterfly Weight Loss Program and how to lose weight sustainably without starving yourself, speak to one of our counselors by just giving us a missed call at 08046807733, and we will definitely get back to you.

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