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Top 6 Winter Fruits That Are Excellent for People Living With Diabetes

Published on: Dec 10, 2021
5 min Read
Winter fruits for diabates
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Come winters, come the season of eating and gorging – nutritious and healthy foods, of course. Nature’s bounty offers us plenty of options during winters. Eating seasonal foods also has its benefits – they help you fight seasonal illness, improve immunity, give you the required nutrients needed during that season and improve your overall health. During winters, you are spoilt for choices when it comes to fruits; the rich harvest makes you eat more and want more. Of course, fruits are an ideal substitute for sweets and desserts because of their natural sweetening properties. This could be a limiting factor for people with diabetes – even natural sugars can affect one’s blood sugar levels. So, one needs to be cautious while choosing winter fruits too. 

But that is not all, with fruits you also need to practice moderation (no, you cannot eat more because they are healthy) and know when to have them. For instance, you should avoid eating fruits with your meals as they can lead to higher blood glucose levels postprandial (remember natural sugars?)

Here we bring you the best choices of fruits that you can have without worrying about your blood sugars. 

1) Dates:

This is one of the most commonly consumed winter fruits. Although you can eat dates around the year, they are a power-packed winter essential. Dates are rich in essential nutrients like iron, B-complex vitamins and bioactive compounds. They are also rich in micronutrients like magnesium, potassium and phytoestrogen. 

Benefits of eating dates: 

  • They aid in digestion and help to keep the body warm.
  • They boost immunity as they are loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants like Flavonoids, Carotenoids and Phenolic Acid.
  • They act as natural sweeteners.
  • They help promote brain health.

Superfood for people living with diabetes:

Dates range from low to moderate glycemic load and high fibre. This will help keep blood sugars in control, and the fibre will help slow glucose breakdown. Here are more reasons to add dates into your shopping bag. 

How much to have:

You can have 1-2 dates at a time every day (depending on your blood sugar levels) either as a snack or in-between your meals. 

2) Kiwi:

This is one of the healthiest winter fruits available in India, loaded with several vitamins and minerals that ensure the body’s proper functioning at all times.

Benefits of eating kiwi:

  • Packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, they boost immunity and are great for skin health.
  • They are loaded with nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium. They also are a good source of fibre and aid in digestion.

Superfood for people living with diabetes:

They are low in glycemic index and high in fibre. They are also rich in antioxidants that help to fight infections and boost immunity. In addition, the high water content saves one from dehydration in winters which are common. Dehydration could lead blood sugars to soar. Did you know Indian superfoods have far more benefits than International superfoods? Click to read. 

How much to have:

You can have one medium-sized kiwi anytime during the day or as a snack daily. 

3) Oranges:

Oranges are the first fruit the mind thinks of when we think of winters. They are bursting with Vitamin C, which helps keep the skin healthy and glowing, improves oral health and boosts immunity. Given how infections are prevalent during the cold season, adding oranges to the diet is perfect to remain healthy.

Benefits of eating oranges:

  • They help maintain blood sugar levels.
  • They protect skin from sun damage.
  • They boost your heart health
  • Rich in antioxidants, they help in fighting various seasonal infections. 

Superfood for diabetes:

Oranges are a low glycemic index and are high in fibre. They are also rich in antioxidants and potassium. As a result, they help to keep blood sugars in control and slow glucose release due to high fibre. Read here to know about the other benefits of eating oranges. 

How much to have:

Daily, one medium-sized orange, early in the morning or as a snack. 

4) Grapes:

These delicious juicy green, black and red coloured fruit globules grow in clusters during the winter season. They are a rich source of various vitamins like K, C and B6. 

Benefits of Eating Grapes

  • They help maintain your overall body temperature.
  • They are good for your heart health.
  • They are rich in various antioxidants, which help to keep the skin and eyes healthy

Superfood for diabetes:

They are low in glycemic index and high in fibre. They are also rich in phytochemicals (anthocyanins and resveratrol). So they make a perfect snack for people with diabetes and help in improving glucose metabolism too. 

As a mid-morning snack, how much to have:

One small cup, 4 to 5 times a week. 

5) Guava:

Counted among the top superfruits, guava is a great winter fruit to consume. They are rich in Vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium that helps to boost immunity, digestion and overall health. 

Benefits of eating guava:

  • High in Vitamin C and other micronutrients, they protect the body from infections and viruses.
  • Rich in dietary fibre, it helps to improve digestion.
  • Good for the thyroid gland and helps treat imbalances.

Superfood for diabetes:

They are a low glycemic fruit and also have a low glycemic load. High in fibre they slow glucose breakdown and improve insulin sensitivity. 

How much to eat:

One medium-sized guava, anytime during the day or as a snack, daily. 

6) Strawberry:

Winters are incomplete without gorging on these delicious red berries. These potent little fruits are loaded with numerous nutrients like Vitamin C, manganese, folate and potassium that are beneficial for overall health and to control blood sugars.

Benefits of eating strawberries

  • Helps to reduce oxidative stress, which is known to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Boosts immunity

Superfood for diabetes:

They are low on the glycemic index, high in fibre and vitamin C.

How much to have:

Maximum 8 medium-sized strawberries daily as a mid-morning snack. 


If you are living with diabetes you would know how crucial it is to plan your diet to keep your blood sugars in check. Even with seasonal produce which you should be eating to boost immunity and stay healthy during that particular season there can be fluctuations in blood sugar levels after you consume them. Diet management for diabetes needs an extra layer of planning and care. You have to be careful about the foods you choose and how they affect your glycemic response (rise in blood sugar levels postprandial). Of course, you might need some expert help here. Our Diabefly program comes with a CGMS or AGM device which helps to map your blood sugar readings in response to food and activity over a period of 14 days. This helps coaches to draft a personalised diet plan with the right food groups and seasonal ones to help you keep blood sugars in control and improve insulin sensitivity. The program also has other components like physiotherapy and psychological counselling to provide one with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. 

To know more about Diabefly and how it can help you smartly take control of your diabetes, visit our website or speak to one of our counsellors on 022 48971077 (EXT 1)

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