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This Diabetes Reversal Success Story Will Surprise You (She Didn’t Have to Give Up on Pani Puri)

Published on: Dec 02, 2021
5 min Read
Mrs Reenu | Diabetes Reversal Success Story
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Can you reverse diabetes without giving up on your favorite foods?

Well, Renu’s diabetes success story says so! 

Renu (name changed to protect identity) enrolled for Fitterfly’s Diabefly reversal program – Diabefly Reverse – a 6-month program that helps people with newly diagnosed diabetes (or diagnosed within 5 to 10 years) reverse their condition and get their sugar levels within the normal range – less than 140 mg/dL or reduce the dependency on medications. 

Her overall achievements from the six months program are as follows: 


Not only this 

  • She was able to do 10,000 steps a day with ease, a new obsession that kept her going (she started as non-exerciser) 
  • She was fitter, healthier and free of aches and pains 
  • The bonus: Her blood sugars too came under the control 

This seems like a dream for many who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. 

So, we bring you Renu’s story – this story is not just a story of determination, commitment and dedication to reverse diabetes. But, it is also a story that will serve as a ray of hope for millions looking for an answer – Is diabetes reversible? 

Let’s start at the beginning

Renu is a 28-year-old young mother of two, always on her toes, living in a family of 15, highly stressed and exhausted. She is also an ardent pani puri lover. Her diagnosis of type 2 diabetes took her by surprise, even though it runs in her family.

Reason: she never imagined that her blood sugar levels could falter, a shock that many experience after the diagnosis even if the risk factors are weighing against them. Renu’s initial reactions were no different. 

Before joining Diabefly Reverse 

Being cautious with your health and mental well-being doesn’t come to one easily unless there are some red flags. A detailed assessment revealed that Renu never 

  • Followed a diet plan 
  • Tried an exercise routine 
  • Tried to manage stress 

The program interventions

The Diabefly program relies on three main components – Nutrition, physiotherapy and psychological consultations. 

1. Nutrition interventions

This was the first time Renu was put on a diet plan – low carb high protein diet. She was not only satisfied with the plan but also encouraged her family members to follow the same.

The healthy recipes shared by Team Diabefly were an instant hit at their dining table. Our nutritionist didn’t just hand out a diet plan to follow, but proper interventions were made to help her develop healthy eating habits which are sustainable and achievable. 

What was done: 

She was taught by her coaches how to bring in some lifestyle changes, like 

  • To make a healthy grocery list before heading out to shop 
  • To adapt healthy methods of cooking 
  • To weigh her food 
  • To make small diet changes that are manageable and sustainable too 

Her food intake and blood sugars were monitored through the Fitterfly Wellness App by our coaches. A proper meal mapping – blood sugar fluctuations in response to diet and exercise – helps coaches draft a personalised diet plan.

She also filled her food diary regularly to know about calorie intake and keep coaches in the loop about her diet. 

Did she have to give up on her favourite foods/cravings? 

Well, no. Instead, she was taught portion control and tweaking dishes to make them healthy. 

Here is an example:


Here is how her nutrient tracking was done:


Restaurant eating was not taboo for her. In fact, her coach helped her pick the healthier foods from the menu while chatting over the phone. 

2. Physiotherapy intervention

Like most middle-aged women, tied up with family and kids, exercise didn’t seem to be a priority for Renu. A detailed physical assessment revealed that Renu suffered from lower back pain and calf pain.

She rated her pain as five on a scale of 10. Our physiotherapy coaches worked on managing the pain and then moved to design exercises that suited her. It took four weeks for her pain to subside and move on with exercises as planned.

The exercises were designed to increase intensity slowly, focusing on her upper and lower body strength, core strength and flexibility, helping her achieve the desired results. 

After two months, her assessment was done. The results are as follows: 


3. Psychology interventions

Diabetes might be a condition related to blood sugar levels, but it profoundly impacts one’s mental well-being. What we don’t realise most of the time is that poor mental well-being can affect the management of diabetes.

A detailed psychological intervention revealed that Renu had 

  • Low self-confidence 
  • Problems in maintaining relationships at home  
  • Stresses about managing diabetes effectively 

What was done

Psychological consultations helped her overcome her stress and anxiety. But how did it happen? Well, to counsel her it was also important to counsel her family members.

Once the family members were counseled to help her take care of her condition, the next part was to help her plan her day with priority to me-time.

She was taught about the pitfalls too – dangers of emotional eating and she tried her best to avoid those. The counselling sessions helped her with proper time management guidelines too. 

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The results 

  • Renu is now a peaceful, loving mother, wife and daughter-in-law 
  • She has better control over her diabetes and lives a fitter and healthy life. 

To know more about our diabetes reversal program and how it can help you smartly take control of your diabetes, visit our website or speak to one of our counsellors on 022 4897 1077 (EXT 1). 


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