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Personalised Glycemic Response – The New Way to Better Diabetes Control

Updated on: Dec 05, 2023
4 min Read
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People with diabetes often hear various advice like – ‘roti is better than rice’, ‘say no to wheat & yes to millets’, ‘don’t have mangoes’, etc. That’s why, understanding what works for YOU, YOUR BODY is the best way to manage your diabetes.

And who better to advise you on this than your diabetologist and dietician? Read on as we unlock the concept of personalised glycemic response for better diabetes control.

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What is Glycemic Response?

Wondering what is glycemic response? When we eat, the carbohydrates from our foods get broken down into simple sugars that are absorbed into the blood. Different foods break down at different rates to either raise the blood sugar, or keep the blood sugar stable.

The glycemic response (GR) refers to how the body handles the change in blood sugar after consuming food. It varies according to the type, the number of carbs in your diet, how you cook it, and the presence of healthy fats, proteins, or fibre in the meal.

What is the Personalised Glycemic Response?

The impact of food on the blood glucose of an individual is called the personalised glycemic response (PGR). This means that if you or your friend have a bowl of poha, the blood sugar levels will rise differently for both.

The PGR values are derived using a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device or a glucometer. Knowing about the PGR of foods can help you manage your blood sugar better. While the glycemic response is a generalised term, PGR is more focused and tailored for every individual with diabetes.

Factors That Affect Personalised Glycemic Response

Two important aspects that affect PGR in the same individual are:

  1. Amount of carbohydrates in the diet: Studies show a small increase in the carbohydrate intake of an individual can increase their blood sugar significantly.
  2. Content of protein, fibre, and fat in the food: The higher the number of proteins and fibers in your diet, the better the glycemic response.

The Concept Behind Personalised Glycemic Response

You must understand the science behind personalised glycemic response:

1. Response to insulin

Insulin sensitivity, or the response of insulin to controlling blood sugar levels in the body, is important to plan a PGR-friendly diet. Incorporating low glycemic index foods like fibre, protein, and good quality fats are known to reduce insulin resistance and promote effective blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes.

2. Body muscle mass

Muscles are the principal consumers of glucose. The amount of muscle in the body influences how quickly glucose is absorbed from the bloodstream following a meal. Thus, the higher the muscle mass of a person, the better the blood sugar control.

3. Age

The body becomes less efficient at managing blood sugar as you age. This can be due to muscle mass loss, changes in insulin sensitivity, etc.

4. Genetics

Some people are genetically predisposed to better or worse blood sugar control, thus substantiating the differences in glycemic response.

Following a personalised diet plan based on PGR rather than a generic plan may result in better diabetes control!

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How Does Personalised Glycemic Response Help Manage Diabetes?

Personalised glycemic response (PGR) is one of the most scientific methods for identifying the foods that are best for managing diabetes. This is how it is helpful:

  • Diabetes management happens according to individual eating patterns
  • Allows for better portion control in the diet
  • Incorporating low glycemic index foods results in better blood sugar control
  • Lowers the likelihood of long-term diabetes complications.
  • It enables precise insulin or medication dosage modifications.
  • Personalised glycemic response guides lifestyle changes that may complement diabetic management strategies.

Personalised Glycemic Response: Transforming Diabetes Management

Personalised glycemic response is revolutionising the diabetes landscape by leveraging recent technological advancements. Here are a few tech-driven diabetes solutions based on PGR:

  • Tracking your blood sugar levels regularly through devices such as glucometers or continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) helps understand your glycemic response to foods better.
  • There are digital health apps that may help you maintain a record of your daily PGR readings to assist your diabetologist in studying your glycemic response and prescribing/altering diabetes management.
  • Other devices, such as smart insulin pens and pumps, have integrated technology for recording personalised glycemic response data that helps adjust insulin delivery doses.


Whether you are looking to stay fit or have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, exploring personalised glycemic response (PGR) can be a real game-changer.

Consider consulting our expert diabetologists and dieticians on Fitterfly’s Diabetes Care Programme to learn when and how to make effective use of personalised glycemic response in your diet plan, workout schedule, and medications.

You can speak with us by just giving us a missed call at 08069450746, and we will definitely get back to you. Together, let us make the journey towards healing from diabetes more healthy and enjoyable.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Would the personalised glycemic response be based on exercise too?

Yes, just like different foods increase/decrease blood sugar levels at different rates, exercise does too. Weight training, cardio, or functional training all affect blood sugar levels differently. That is why it is important to check PGR after workouts.

How do I check my personalised glycemic response?

Checking and recording your blood sugar regularly through a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device or a glucometer is the first step. To determine your personalised glycemic response, the values should be correlated with the readings and your diet plan with the assistance of your diabetes coach.

Which is better, wheat or rice?

It varies from individual to individual. The personalised glycemic response provides the most reliable evidence to address such questions. Some people have stable blood sugar levels with both, some with just one, and some with neither. To know how you respond to wheat, rice, or any other grain, you need to record routine blood sugar levels and follow your diabetes coach closely.

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