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7 Ways to Avoid Permanent Weight Gain This Christmas

Published on: Dec 10, 2021
4 min Read
digital weight loss program
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You may think that it’s easy for your gym trainer and nutritionist to advise you to stay focused and disciplined even in the coming festive season. But, it’s not practical for all of us- it’s okay, we’re all humans. 

It is natural for you to indulge in the array of nibbles, including puddings, cakes, chocolates, cookies and delicious meats topped with gravies and sauces during the Christmas season. After all, having good food is one of the joys of Christmas, too! 

It’s one thing to let go and indulge a bit during these festivities, but this doesn’t mean you can eat an entire chocolate cake in one sitting. Needless to say, overeating at parties, skipping exercise sessions, and consumption of calorie-rich foods will lead to weight gain once the festivities die down. 

And it’s not just the festivities, but even the season. Surveys have shown an average of 2 to 3 kg weight gain in the winter season alone. Although it may not seem like a lot, this holiday weight gain can be the most significant contributor to your total annual weight. 

Hey! Don’t fret – we’re not asking you to have a dull Christmas! Staying healthy amidst all this is possible.

Here are 7 tips that can help you keep your weight down this Christmas so that you can start the new year feeling great!

  1. Keep a close watch on your portion sizes and the number of servings you have. You can still enjoy your favourite apple pie or cheese croissant served at the lavish Christmas brunch, but eating in moderation is the key! You can control your portion sizes by using smaller plates. If you have had a heavy lunch, go easy on the dinner to balance the net calorie intake for the day. 
  2. Drink at least 2 litres of water per day to keep you full, and as a result, you will consume fewer calories. Research says that our brains often mistake thirst for hunger. So if you think you’re hungry, you’re more likely to reach for all the extra sweets instead of plain water, especially at this time of the year. Staying hydrated also helps you to flush out extra toxins from your body.
  3. Balance your meals by including protein and fibre to promote fullness and reduce hunger pangs. Holiday meals are typically rich in carbs and fats but low in protein and fibre. So it would help if you first chose dishes that have more protein and fibre like lean meat, poultry, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits and whole grains. 
  4. Stay physically active with your family and friends. Before curling up around the fire or snuggling up on the sofa with a soft fleece blanket with hot chocolate and marshmallows, go for a 10-15 minute simple family walk or jog.
    Just be more conscious of taking more steps into your day by taking the stairs or parking your car a little further away from your home. Or try something new like backyard cricket or football with kids, exercise outdoors in the beautiful sunshine, play badminton and explore many other creative activities with your family.
  5. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep during the holiday season. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation may also cause weight gain. This is because when you are sleep deprived and have low energy, you are more likely to consume comfort foods like cookies and chocolates. Instead, proper sleep and rest will help calm you down and keep you out of the kitchen.
  6. Limit your liquid calories, especially alcohol, as they can contribute a huge amount of sugar and empty calories to your diet, which can cause unnecessary weight gain. Sugary beverages like colas, sweetened juices, ice cream shakes can jeopardize your weight maintenance goals. Instead, swap these sugary beverages with plain water and also make sure you have a glass of plain water in-between each alcoholic drink.
  7. Never go to a party hungry or thirsty. Always make sure you drink plenty of water and eat something light first, like an apple, so that you aren’t starving and binge on the party food when you get there. This is because if you allow too many hours to go by without eating, your body will crave high-glycemic or processed foods like cakes, cookies, chocolates and other desserts for a quick fix. Instead, eat on a schedule – consume a meal or mid-meal snack every three hours.

Although you may find it challenging to stay on top of your goals during the holiday season, these practical tips can keep you weight-conscious and happy too during this time of the year by allowing you to enjoy the Christmas savouries smartly. 

You should set a realistic plan for yourself during the holiday season but not an overly restrictive one. Otherwise, it is likely to fail. Strict dieting can make you frustrated, depressed and cranky. In fact, it is more likely to cause overeating and weight gain. 

This is where the role of Reset23 – A digital weight loss program by Fitterfly comes in. Reset23 is a personalized expert-led program where our team of 3 coaches including, a nutritionist, a physiotherapist and a psychologist, can help you prevent holiday weight gain by making a few smart lifestyle choices. 

Don’t feel deprived, but don’t be over-indulgent either. Learn how to eat smartly to avoid holiday weight gain with Reset23. To know more about Reset23, visit or speak to our counsellors on 022 48971077 (Ext -2).

- By Fitterfly Health-Team

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