11+ Digital Therapeutics (DTx) Programs Launched,15,000+ Patients Helped, 12+ Partnerships and Countless Memories

Hello world, we have arrived!
We started as a child health company and worked with schools in assessment of the Child’s general fitness and Nutrition level. Post assessment, we gave the child actionable advice on how they could improve their fitness and nutrition.
Our philosophy at that time was to ensure the health of the future generation of India and to reduce the incidence of lifestyle diseases. On fitness assessment, we had adopted international practices followed in the US and Europe.
On Nutrition we had developed a new methodology which got us several awards from different industry bodies. To keep the cost manageable and to achieve economies of scale we had decided to work with schools.
After working with 30 schools and 20,000 children, we realized that this was not a very sustainable model. Over the period of 2 years, we met 500 owners of schools and made several presentations to ministries.
There were several issues in the model – Parents viewed any activity which required them to pay additional money to the school with suspicion, schools principals were often not the decision makers making it a long sales cycle, fees were regulated and many more.
While we were working on Nutrition with Children, we had started building our Nutrition Database. Unlike adult nutrition, the requirement for children’s nutrition is quite different and changes frequently from birth to about 15 years of age.
Hence, we build a very granular database. We also concentrated on capturing the Micro-nutrient values for all foods consumed in India.
We tagged our Nutrition Database for several attributes such as taste, age appropriateness, serving units, allergies, diseases not suitable for and so on.
This rich database helped us bag some prestigious clients like Nestle, Abbott, Sun Pharma, Danone among others. We bundled bespoke software development along with our database to offer our clients a complete solution.
This was our first Pivot from child nutrition to providing technology and data. This helped us rope in our initial clients and revenue.
We built two solutions – A Nutrition Practice Management Solution (Ntuitive) and a Restaurant Platform. Ntuitive is for Nutritionists and helps them to manage their consultation practice.
Restaurant platform is for restaurants and helps them evaluate the Nutritive value of the food they serve. These platforms are available on a SAAS model to Nutritionists and restaurants. We built a healthy clientele for these products in India and the Middle East.
Inspite of success of the data business, we still did not see the growth or volumes that we had estimated. By 2019, DTx became the buzzword. In India there were only a handful of DTx companies.
Seeing tremendous potential, we started a research project around managing diabetes. We used Abbott’s Libre Pro device and build our algorithms around the data obtained from the device.
We attended DTx conferences around the world and analysed several research papers. We already had the technology; skill sets and data to develop a DTx platform so making this pivot was like a natural progression for us.
From 2019 till now we have developed our DTx technology and come up with our own methodology for treating patients. From Diabetes we have added more DTx programs like PCOS, Obesity, Child, and Maternal Health.
When we started, seeing results, seeing tremendous opportunity, we raised funds to expand our team and for sales and marketing. We also got in a bunch of smart people (much smarter than we were) so that they could tell us what to do.
The one principle that guided us in the journey was – focusing on patient outcomes. As of May 2021, we have treated more than 15,000 patients.
Our outcomes have been outstanding. 90% of our patients have seen a significant drop in HbA1c, 40% have reduced weight, 25% have reduced medicine or stopped it altogether.
There have been several learnings in our DTx journey. We have started rebuilding our core DTx platform and it would be the most advanced platform in the world when we launch in Oct 2021.
Going ahead we would also venture into other digital therapeutics programs like Mental Health, Cardiac Health and Hypertension.
Post treating a sizeable population, we believe that we would have enough data and be able to utilize that data for building AI based treatment protocols for better patient outcomes. Lastly, we plan to develop our own IOT devices which would complement our DTx programs.
I strongly believe that everyone gets an equal number of opportunities. Some get it when they want it. Most of us get it when we deserve it. We, at Fitterfly, are working hard to become a global brand treating millions of people across a range of issues.
We are working hard to make this opportunity into a reality. For now, we greet the world with the following words: Hello, we have arrived.
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