Is Coffee Good for Weight Loss?
Is Coffee Good for Weight Loss?
A cup of coffee, the world uses to start their day. Whether you like it hot or cold, it definitely is something we all love. It also has a very polarized reputation, that has left people divided.
One day you read it’s good for you and boosts your metabolism, the next day you hear it isn’t good for your heart health.
Also, since there are so many ways to make coffee, it’s rather confusing to know which type of coffee people are referring to when they tell you it’s cons or advantages.
So, we are here to clear the air for you once and for all. Is black coffee good for weight loss?
Weight Loss Benefits of Coffee
Black coffee contains few calories. A calorie deficit, or consuming fewer calories than you burn, is associated with weight loss. Consuming fewer calories than usual is a popular way to help achieve a calorie deficit.
Therefore it can help you to avoid any high-calorie snacks which can hamper your weight loss journey.
Caffeine increases metabolism. Metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down nutrients and uses the calories from foods throughout the day.
Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee, is one of the few substances that may raise your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or the rate at which you burn calories while at rest.
However there is still a lot of research going on, but according to some data it entirely depends on a person’s body, and how it is responding.
Caffeine has been shown to reduce feelings of hunger/appetite. Caffeine may reduce levels of ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry, according to studies. Some researchers believe that drinking a hot beverage can reduce one’s hunger.
A word of caution is to limit its intake, as too much coffee can disturb your sleep because of its caffeine content and loss of sleep can again become a reason to gain weight.
Coffee can definitely help a person to reduce hunger or be on a calorie deficit diet, but a balance of proper diet and exercise regime can support you further.
Which Coffee is Best for Weight Loss?
While black coffee is low in calories, adding milk and sugar to it increases the calories. So, you can have black coffee, hot or cold. You can add milk to it, however, it is best not to add any sugar to your coffee.
So, no javachip frappuccinos or cold coffees with whipped cream.Â
How Much Caffeine Per Day for Weight Loss?
The official recommendation is about 400 mg, which amounts to about 4-5 cups in a day. However, if you have certain health conditions, such as hypertension, are on certain medications, are trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, then it is best to get advice from your doctor on how much caffeine you should consume in a day.
Also, when we talk about the recommended amount of caffeine it only refers to coffee and not any add ons such as milk, sugar or creamer.
Please take that into account when you count your calories for the day. You can track your calories using the Fitterfly Wellness App.Â
Can Black Coffee Reduce Weight?
While coffee boosts your metabolism and is low in calories, it is not by itself going to help you lose weight. As we’ve already mentioned in this blog, weight loss is a result of calorie deficit, which is only possible with a healthy diet and exercise.
A healthy diet doesn’t only mean calorie restriction but the correct combination of food which is high protein and fiber. And if you have any health issues that are obstructing you weight loss then you also need to work on sleep and stress management.
Fitterfly’s weight loss program is India’s first doctor designed weight management solution for stubborn weight. If you are looking for a solution for a stubborn weight please get in touch with our expert program advisors here (number).Â
How to Make Coffee for Weight Loss?
If you want to lose weight your focus needs to be on calorie intake, the only low-calorie kind of coffee is black coffee with no milk or sugar.
This is not to say that you cannot have coffee with milk or artificial sweeteners every now and then, but you cannot make it part of your daily routine.Â
Does Coffee Increase Weight?
If you have coffee which has sugar, creamer, milk, chocolate chips, or whipped cream etc then it will lead to increase in weight. That is why it is important to have your coffee plain, especially if you are trying to lose weight.Â
Like we have mentioned in this blog, weight loss cannot be achieved by a miracle food or beverage. No matter how many articles claim it can.
They can help boost your metabolism or be low in calories it will not actively help you lose weight in a way a good diet or exercise regime will.
If you are trying to lose weight you need to have a plan in action which is personalized for your body and lifestyle.
Fitterfly’s weight loss program Reset23 is designed to do just that by not only providing expert guidance for diet and fitness but also for sleep and stress management. Check it out here ( or call us here 022 4897 1077
This blog provides general information for educational and informational purposes only and shouldn't be seen as professional advice.
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