How to Choose the Right Diabetes Insurance Plan in India?
Purchasing an insurance plan is like making a promise to be there when you need it the most. With the number of people with diabetes in India soaring sky-high and a projected number of 134 million in 2045, diabetes medical insurance can come in handy.
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Stay with us as we guide you into choosing the right diabetes health insurance for you or your family in India.
What is Diabetes Medical Insurance?
First things first, is diabetes covered under health insurance? Yes, health insurance policies commonly offer diabetes coverage. Health insurance for people with diabetes in India offers extra protection for expenditures related to the disease, such as medications, tests, and treatment.
It supplements normal health insurance by addressing the special needs of people with diabetes.
Understand Your Diabetes Type:
Assess your diabetic status before exploring insurance options. Understand your diabetes type, your current health status, and your anticipated medical needs.
1. Diabetes mellitus type 1
Type 1 diabetes usually occurs early in life and needs insulin for its treatment. As a result of the associated risk factors, term plan premiums for such people will be higher.
2. Diabetes mellitus type 2
Type 2 diabetes commonly occurs in adults but can be seen at an early age too. It can be managed by both oral medicines and insulin, along with lifestyle modifications.
It is easier to effectively manage, resulting in reduced term plan premiums. Premiums may rise if insulin dependence is required for diabetes management.
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The Ideal Features of the Best Health Insurance Plan for Diabetes
The Indian insurance market offers a variety of diabetes medical insurance plans. Studying each separately is too confusing. Here are the key points suggested by our experts that you should check out:
1. The Extent of Diabetes Coverage
All types of diabetes should be covered. Also, regular HbA1c tests, insulin supplies, and emergency hospitalisation—every aspect of diabetic care should come under a diabetes health insurance plan.
2. Coverage of Diabetes Complications
Diabetes often snowballs into complications like eye problems like retinopathy, nerve problems, kidney issues, heart diseases, stroke, diabetic foot infections, etc. The diabetes medical insurance plan should have specified options and terms to take care of these unforeseen health issues.
3. Minimum Wait Period
The best plans should have no waiting period or one that is as brief as possible for conditions like diabetes. Immediate or early coverage is necessary for the best diabetic control.
4. Reimbursements for Insulin and Other Supplies
If you are advised to take insulin shots for diabetes management, ensure that your plan encompasses the expense of insulin and required supplies, such as syringes or insulin pens.
5. The Network of Hospitals and Rules for Hospitalisation
Make sure that the insurance provider has an extensive list of healthcare providers, especially those with expertise in handling people with diabetes. When a patient is hospitalised for diabetes-related issues, the costs of the hospital stay, surgeries, and intensive care unit care should all be covered.
6. Easy Claim Process
It is essential to have an easy and hassle-free claim process. A diabetes health insurance plan should have a simple procedure for submitting and handling claims.
7. Budget Friendly
This goes without saying, always understand your co-payment options and premium plans before purchasing diabetes medical insurance. The best health insurance for diabetics in India should have a minimal co-payment, particularly for costs associated with diabetes. Also, ensure that the premiums to be paid are easy on your pocket.
8. Periodic Health Check-ups and Investigations
Regular check-ups, consultations, and medications are critical for diabetes control. Look for plans that provide regular health check-ups, foster early detection, and check for potential diabetic complications.
9. Partnered Wellness Programmes
This is a fairly new yet very striking feature. Look for plans that partner with multiple diabetes wellness solutions, apps, and solutions that help with regular monitoring, patient wellness, and support programmes.
10. Maternity Support
Keep an eye out for a plan that also covers gestational diabetes during pregnancy. This is an often overlooked issue during maternity care and hospitalisation, but it should be addressed as well.
11. Reputed Customer Support
Research the track record of the insurance provider in terms of customer care, online support, and easy-to-reach modes.
With a fair idea of some of the ideal features of the best health insurance plan for diabetes, let us understand if you need to sign up for one.
Why Purchase a Diabetes Medical Insurance?
It is critical to have health insurance that covers diabetes in all its finer details. Here’s why:
- Financial protection for all the rising expenses of diabetic needs
- Helps customise your insurance plans to your specific diabetic issues
- Adds value and quality to your diabetic care
- Streamlines checkups and tests
- Covers costs in cases of emergencies like a diabetic coma
If you are looking for a diabetes medical insurance plan or your insurance has partnered with us, then consider consulting our expert diabetologists on Fitterfly’s Diabetes Care Programme. You can also directly sign up for our programme if you wish to know more.
To know if you can reverse your diabetes, try our Fitterfly Diabetes Reversal Calculator.
Without much adieu, speak with us by just dialing a missed call at 08069450746, and we will definitely get back to you. Together, let us make the journey towards healing from diabetes more healthy and enjoyable.
This blog provides general information for educational and informational purposes only and shouldn't be seen as professional advice.
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clinical term for Diabetes Reversal