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Does Skipping Help You Lose Weight? The Truth Revealed

Published on: May 10, 2023
7 min Read
Medically Reviewed

Madhura Bhagat

skipping for weight loss
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Skipping is an activity that makes you miss your childhood. The perfect summer days, when you would go out with your friends to skip and come back to sip the cold coffee. But is skipping just that? Nostalgia? Or does it benefit you and your body in any other way? 🤔

Imagine skipping in the garden, looking around at the greenery, flowers, and birds chirping. Therapeutic, isn’t it?

Skipping is also a popular workout routine for people to get a full-body workout. Is skipping good for weight loss? Let us understand more about skipping, burning calories, and whether it helps you lose weight.

The Science of Weight Loss

The journey can be complex and involves various factors, including genetics, diet, and physical activity. But the science behind weight loss is incomplete without understanding the biological, psychological, and environmental factors. After all, everything is important to attaining the best possible shape, right!🙂. Below are some factors influencing weight loss.

1) The Role of Calories

Calories play a major role in the weight loss journey. Put simply, if your calorie consumption (the number of calories consumed during the day) is lower than your calorie output (the number of calories burnt during workouts), your body is calorie deficient. Do you know how many calories are burned by skipping?

2) The Relationship Between Exercise and Weight Loss

Combining exercise with a healthy diet works better than losing weight through calorie restriction alone. Although you can lose weight through various means, exercise has more benefits concerning weight loss than you need to know.

Exercise can prevent or reverse muscle loss while maximizing fat loss, which is optimal for fitness and healthy well-being. Regular physical activity strengthens your muscles, increases your metabolism, and helps burn more calories.

3) Factors Affecting Weight Loss

Many factors can help determine your weight loss journey. This can include race, age, gender, diet, physical activity, location, stress levels, genetics, sleep cycle, existing medical conditions, etc.

Note: Kindly avoid using the above factors as an excuse for not being able to lose weight 😎

Skipping – Your Low-Maintenance Workout!

Skipping is a popular full-body workout where you must repeatedly jump over a rope at fixed intervals and land on your feet. While skipping rope for weight loss, your body’s three major muscle groups are targeted. These include

  • Shoulders and arms for swinging the rope.
  • Feet for jumping over the rope.
  • Abdominal muscles for balancing your entire body.

It is one of the major reasons people are considering skipping a part of their workout regime, as it helps work on three different muscle groups simultaneously.

Some of the most common types of skipping rope for weight loss include

  • Basic skipping is the most common type and is suitable for beginners.
  • Speed skipping involves jumping as fast as possible. This is the best type of exercise for weight loss.
  • Weighted skipping involves using a heavier rope to increase resistance and build strength.
  • Beaded skipping involves using a rope with beads that hit the ground to create a rhythmic sound and help with timing.

What Good Comes With Skipping?

According to research, ten minutes of skipping rope regularly can equal thirty minutes of jogging. There are many benefits of skipping.

  • Skipping is a great cardio exercise that increases the heart rate, allowing the heart muscles to work harder to pump oxygenated and deoxygenated blood across the body, promoting heart health.
  • Skipping is a full-body workout that uses your abdominal muscles to stabilize the body, your legs for jumping, and your shoulders and arms for swinging the rope.
  • It can help improve coordination, balance, and basic movement skills in children and adults. Skipping can also help ton the body and reduce stress.
  • There are many benefits of skipping rope for weight loss. It is a fun, affordable, and portable form of exercise that can be done indoors or outdoors with just a rope and a good pair of workout shoes. A pretty cost-effective solution to gyming, you might say… 😅

How Skipping Can Help You Lose Weight

Skipping falls under the category of vigorous exercises. But how much skipping is required to lose weight? You must do it for at least 75 minutes weekly to lose weight.

Skipping involves using your leg, arm, and core muscles to burn more calories than aerobic exercises such as walking or running. Join the digital health program and start losing weight today.

Debunking the Myths of Skipping

While skipping is a fun and effective way for weight loss, several myths and misconceptions are associated with skipping (as if other myths weren’t enough). So, below are some common myths about skipping that you must know.

1) Skipping vs Other Exercises

Skipping rope for weight loss is considered inferior to other exercises. But that’s not true. Regular skipping helps increase the blood flow and oxygen supply to your muscles, which helps burn more calories and aids in weight loss.

You can burn 15-20 calories per minute of skipping, compared to just 8 calories burned per minute of running. Calories burned by skipping are higher than in many other workout routines.

2) Spot Reduction

Next myth is spot reduction which follows the false belief that working some body parts more and targeting certain muscles can help reduce fat in the targeted areas. However, it is impossible to spot reduction with rope jumping or any other exercise.

Exercises are meant to aid in weight loss throughout the body, and skipping can help you burn more calories than other aerobic exercises such as walking or running.

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3) The Idea of ‘Weight Loss Hacks’

Most people commonly look for hacks or tricks to help them lose weight faster without any diet or workout plan. But, these fad trends will not help you lose and maintain weight in the long run.

It can result in nutrient deficiencies making weight loss hard in the long run. Besides, you can lose muscle mass, further slowing your metabolism.

So, it’s better to stop believing in these myths and learn the truth about skipping rope for weight loss. The calories burnt by skipping rope are also higher.  Know more about the truth.

The Truth About Skipping Rope for Weight Loss

Skipping is quite an effective exercise that helps you lose weight. But there is more about skipping and weight loss than meets the eye. So, here are some truths about skipping and its complicated yet important role in weight loss.

Is skipping enough for weight loss? Skipping can help you burn about 200 to 300 calories daily if you do it regularly for 5 days for 15 to 20 minutes each. This can help you burn many calories to achieve a calorie deficit stage for faster weight loss.

But there are certain limitations to skipping when losing weight. First, it can be hard on joints, especially if you suffer from pre-existing joint problems. Skipping can also be hard on the wrists if you do not use the proper form or have any pre-existing wrist problems.

A balanced approach is suggested to get the best possible outcome. Skipping should be combined with strength training for optimum results.

Tips for Incorporating Skipping Rope for Weight Loss Routine

Skipping can help you burn many calories in the nick of time. However, before starting skipping and adopting it as a part of your routine, you must first consider the safety precautions and start with the basics.

1) Safety Considerations

While skipping, you must remember that you are using your entire body simultaneously. Thus, it is very important to maintain the correct body posture, such as keeping the back and neckline erect. Considering your age and muscle strength, you may also consider wearing knee pads while working out.

2) How to Start Skipping

Skipping rope is an easy exercise that can be done at home. All you require is a skipping rope and some free area. It is important to start with a few minutes in the beginning and pay close attention to your body posture and jumping frequency to avoid unwanted injuries.

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3) Incorporating Skipping into your Overall Fitness Routine

Skipping daily will help you lose weight drastically and promptly show results. It shall help you achieve an overall toned body, as it helps activate three main muscle areas. You must consider adding this to your daily workout routine for better results.


Skipping is essentially a form of cardio exercise. Cardio exercises help you lose weight by creating a calorie deficit (when combined with diet modification and afterburn effect).

Skipping is known to burn about 200-300 calories when done for 30 mins. For context, 1000 calories burnt equals approximately 0.13 kg of weight loss (this varies from person to person based on metabolic rate).

If you opt for skipping, you should progressively increase the number of skips you do every day. BUt do remember that skipping alone is not sufficient for weight loss. It has to be combined with strength training. So, go ahead and add skipping to your workout plan.

If you have been trying to lose that stubborn weight and reaching a dead-end, consider joining Fitterfly’s weight loss program for better results.

In this program, we will give you a holistic approach towards weight loss which will not just concentrate on exercise but also on your diet, sleep and proper stress management – all of which are critical for losing weight effectively. Thousands of Indians have benefitted by the program. You could be the next one! Get in touch with us today!


This blog provides general information for educational and informational purposes only and shouldn't be seen as professional advice.

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