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Can People with Diabetes Have Fruit Juice?

Published on: Jul 05, 2023
3 min Read
Medically Reviewed

Shilpa Joshi

Nutritionist | Consultant Dietitian | Diabetes Educator
fruit juice for diabetes
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Fruit juices are an all-time favourite and always refreshing. Whether you have them with breakfast, with your meal or just any time of the day- you are sure to feel rejuvenated and full of energy.

However, in recent times, there have been several reports asking people to avoid fruit juices as much as possible, especially when they are bought. This makes it even more essential to understand if juices for diabetes are recommended.

Let’s clear the air about fruit juices and whether or not they are recommended for people with diabetes in this blog!

Why Should You Eat a Whole Fruit?

Most doctors and nutritionists recommend the consumption of whole fruit instead of drinking juices. Fruits are usually rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and a naturally occurring sugar called fructose.

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Though the fructose in the fruit is also a sugar, it does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels as is seen with juice. This is because whole fruits are also rich in fibre, which slows down their absorption into the bloodstream.

As a result, you are likely to feel more full, consume fewer calories, and experience little or no spike in your blood sugar levels.

Why are Fruit Juices Not Recommended for Diabetes?

Fruit juices are usually prepared by straining or removing the fruit’s fibre. At the same time, fruit juices are often prepared by using multiple fruits.

Both these scenarios make juices rather unfavourable for people with diabetes and prediabetes, as these juices can increase your blood sugar levels.

Another concern with the consumption of juices is that they are not filling, and you are more likely to consume more of them, increasing your blood sugar levels. People with prediabetes and diabetes can safely consume fruits with low to moderate glycemic index in permissible quantities.

However, processing these fruits into juices can significantly increase their glycemic index, making them unfit for people with these metabolic conditions.

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Can People with Diabetes Have Fruit Juice?

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, you must understand that fruit juices are definitely not a recommended part of your meal or diet plans. However, if your blood sugar levels are low (below 70 mg/dL), fruit juice is a quick remedy to restore your blood sugar to normal levels.

However, if you still wish to have a glass or two during the week, here are some things to remember:

  • Always pick only one fruit with a low glycemic index to make juice. For example, one orange or one apple, etc., to limit the quanitity of the juice.
  • It is best to prepare the fruit juice at home, which gives you control of the contents
  • Avoid adding sugar or any other form of sweetening agent to the juice
  • Avoid straining away the fibres and consume the juice with them
  • It is always a good idea to drink homemade fruit juice with a high-protein or high-fibre snack to balance out the caloric intake and prevent a rise in blood sugar levels


One of the primary reasons people prefer to juice fruit and consume is its convenience. In some cases, like post-surgery or gastrointestinal irritation, or following dental treatment, fruit juices may be permitted for a few days.

However, when it comes to long-term or regular consumption of fruit juices, they are surely not recommended. Juices for diabetes are a big no-no and must only be preferred over a whole fruit after consultation with a nutritionist.

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