Published on: Apr 24, 2020

2 min Read

Can PCOS be treated?

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The treatment of PCOS should be under the guidance of a doctor and will depend on your age and the symptoms. Though PCOS cannot be completely cured but lifestyle change and medical treatment can manage the symptoms to a large extent.

Lifestyle Management

The mantra is to ‘Eat Healthy and Exercise Regularly’

Losing 5-10% of your body weight can work wonders by improving your symptoms and the effectiveness of medicines. Easier said than done right? Yeah, we know losing weight does not happen easily with PCOS [thanks to insulin resistance] but that is what we are here for. If you keep following our dietary and exercise suggestions, it will definitely help you. Just stay committed girl.

Even if you do not lose weight readily, healthy eating habits and exercise can help in restoring hormonal balance, fire up your metabolism and reduce stress too. Exactly what we need!

Medical Treatment

This depends on the symptom for which you are seeking treatment –

  • If your problem is irregular periods

Hormonal pills can regulate your hormones, correct abnormal bleeding, and reduce excess hair growth and acne.

  • If you are facing problems getting pregnant, your doctor might recommend hormonal therapy or advanced infertility treatments.
  • If excessive hair growth or scalp hair loss is your main concern then medicines that reduce male hormones can improve your symptoms.

Why should you learn how to manage PCOS?

‘What’s the point of all this if it can never be cured?’

‘I don’t want more children, so there is no need of any treatment now.’

These statements might echo with some of you but managing PCOS is a lifelong process.PCOS can increase the risk of diabetes, abnormal cholesterol, and triglyceride levels [unhealthy fat deposits in your blood system], heart disease, stroke, endometrial cancer (cancer of the inner lining of the uterus), obesity, and sleep apnea.

Make the healthy habits you learn in this program your lifelong companion. Lasting positive changes in your diet and exercise plans can reduce the risk of complications. Control PCOS before it controls you.

Remember, self-care is a priority and a necessity – not a luxury.

Fittertake: PCOS is one of the conditions that makes it difficult to lose weight and achieve your health goals. Simple strategies that work for most people are not enough when it comes to those diagnosed with PCOS. To help women with PCOS lose weight, for the first time in India. We have the Reset23 program. A unique, safe, scientific, and sustainable program designed by doctors. With a comprehensive approach that includes diet, fitness, sleep & stress management. We can help you achieve your health goals and learn how to maintain it. Start your journey today! By enrolling into our Reset23 program or call us on 022 4897 1077 (ext 1)

- By Fitterfly Health-Team
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