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A Newly Diagnosed Person’s Guide To Managing Diabetes Without Medication

Updated on: Jan 25, 2024
5 min Read
newly diagoned person's guide to manage diabetes
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When I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, I was only 28 years old. I always read about the risks of getting diabetes because of my family history. Not to say that my lifestyle did not contribute to it, but I didn’t really see it coming.

I was given medication, a restrictive diet plan, and recommendations to change my lifestyle, along with motivational insight. I will be able to stop my medication soon because I am young.

But like everyone else, I got on to the internet to learn more about Type 2 diabetes, and it is safe to say that I was really scared reading about the complications and statements like diabetes affects every organ in your body.

But in none of the places that I looked, was I given a plan or even the hope that I would be able to reduce my medicines or even stop them while enjoying all the things I love in life.

But at Fitterfly, we want to make sure that you have the right information about what you can do as a person newly diagnosed with diabetes. 

Here are the things that you need to keep in mind: 

1) Consult with a doctor

Find a doctor, preferably a diabetologist or an endocrinologist who will not only help you with medical management based on your blood sugar levels and HbA1c levels.

You can also ask them questions about your condition. The better your understanding of your health condition, the more you will be equipped to manage your health. 

2) Accept your diagnosis

I know it is not easy, but accepting your diagnosis will help you recognize that you need to make certain changes in your lifestyle. Once you accept your diagnosis, you will be able to focus on managing your condition and learning more about it. 

3) Early action is the best plan

Most of the time, when people get diagnosed with metabolic health conditions that don’t have evident symptoms, it can be difficult to take action.

Sometimes, people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes only seek help when they start having complications. To make sure that you reduce your risk of complications, it is best to start medical and lifestyle management early. 

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4) Get expert help

When it comes to insurance, taxes, or even haircuts, we go to experts, then why not seek expert help when it comes to health?

A diabetes management program such as the Fitterfly Diabetes Management Program will not only help you achieve your health goals but also help you become self-sufficient in diabetes management. 

5) Take a 360-degree approach

Traditionally, Type 2 diabetes management has been all about diet and a restrictive diet at that. It is all about giving up sugar, fruits, and all your other favourite foods. But we now know from research and studies that multiple lifestyle factors affect your blood sugar levels.

Such as diet, exercise, stress, and sleep. Fitterfly’s diabetes management programs offer this comprehensive, personalized, and data-based approach which is focused on habit building. 

6) There are no temporary solutions

As tempting as it is to hear from someone that you will have to follow a healthy lifestyle only for a few months. But the truth is managing type 2 diabetes requires a lifelong commitment to healthy habits.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you don’t indulge every once in a while, but just to make sure that you make healthy choices most of the time.

Do I need to start taking medicines as I have been recently diagnosed?

It totally depends on your current health profile. In some cases, even with a high HbA1c of over 10, if you don’t have any other comorbidities, don’t have any osmotic symptoms (such as frequent urination or thirst), and have been recently diagnosed, doctors today are choosing to recommend intensive lifestyle therapy instead of medical management. 

I have started medication. Will I be able to stop my medications?

The first 5 years of being diagnosed are the best time for you to achieve diabetes remission. Diabetes remission or widely known as diabetes reversal, is when your HbA1c is at 6.5% without any medication for 6 months.

So, even if you have started medicines for diabetes management, if you combine that with intensive lifestyle therapy, you can achieve diabetes remission. 

Do diabetes management programs work?

Yes. But you need to make sure that you choose a program that is comprehensive, personalized, and clinically validated. As a newly diagnosed person with diabetes, it is best to choose a program with expert hand-holding to help you build healthy habits.

Fitterfly’s Diabetes Management programs provide each member with three coaches (nutritionist, physiotherapist, and success) along with a progress-tracking app.

Not only that, but our programs are also outcomes focussed. Moreover, instead of just focusing on HbA1c and blood sugar level reduction, we also measure program success outcomes more comprehensively by including a reduction in body fat percentage, improvement in fitness levels, reduction in diabetes distress, and overall improvement in quality of life.

The best part is all our programs can be accessed from the comfort of your home as they are digital therapies that are delivered using our app and video consultations. 

Do I need to quit sugar, rice, fruits, etc?

No! Thanks to innovations and medical advancements, it is no longer believed or recommended a person with diabetes should severely restrict their diet. Instead, you should measure your PGR or personalized glycemic response.

You can do this using a continuous glucose monitor or glucometer. Simply maintain a food journal and check your blood sugar fluctuations against your meals.

This allows you to understand exactly which foods and in what combinations and portions are causing your blood sugar to rise.

For example, a large bowl of poha with tea may spike your blood sugar, but a small bowl of poha, when eaten with sprouts and scrambled eggs, will not. 


Getting diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can be overwhelming, but thanks to medical advancement and digital therapeutics it is no longer a life sentence. When you enrol in Fitterfly’s diabetes management programs, we provide you with a diet plan that is based on your PGR. Not only that, we offer helpful, practical, and reliable tips from a team of specialists, including a Nutritionist, a Physiotherapist, and a Psychologist, to reverse diabetes.

With the help of specialist doctors and expert-created diabetes management programs, you can go on to control your diabetes and even reduce or stop medicines. To know more about the program, speak with one of our counsellors.

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