5 Most Effective Tea for People with Diabetes

Published on: Aug 31, 2022
8 min Read
tea for diabetes
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Tea lover but wonder if tea is good for diabetes? There are certain types of teas that are especially helpful for people who have diabetes.

From improving blood sugar control to fighting bloating and inflammation to helping manage weight and improving the body’s reaction to insulin, certain teas can in fact have a good effect on people who have diabetes. 

Check out this article to find out all the different varieties of teas that you can choose from, without having to give up on your love for tea.  


Is Tea Good for Diabetes?

Certain types of teas, when taken without milk and sugar, can have the following benefits, especially for people with diabetes:

  • Improve insulin sensitivity 
  • Prevent blood clots in the body, such as green tea, ginger tea, and oolong tea
  • which tea. In high BP, patients are asked to refrain from tea and coffee 

Tea such as green tea is good for diabetes. Oolong tea as well as black tea is also known to be good for those who have diabetes. This is because these types of teas contain a micronutrient known as polyphenol, which naturally occurs in plants.

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Polyphenols are extremely beneficial for people with diabetes because 

  • They help to protect the cells in the pancreas against glucose toxicity
  • Have very good antioxidant effects 
  • Have very significant anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Help to control blood sugar levels, prevent spikes and keep them within the desired range  

Which Tea is Best for Diabetes?

Here are some really beneficial teas for people with diabetes that will not only improve your diabetes health but will also aid in your overall health.

While these can be classified as diabetes tea, anyone can have these on a regular basis to benefit from its various healthy properties:

1. Green tea

We have all heard at some point or the other how green tea is so good for our health. This is especially true if you or a loved one has diabetes. Green tea is good for diabetes.

Health benefits of green tea: 

  • It is said that drinking green tea on a regular basis may help to reduce the damage done to the cells in the body. Drinking green tea can also help to reduce inflammation, as well as improve your blood sugar control.
  • Certain compounds found in green tea, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) improve the uptake of glucose into the muscle cells in the skeletal system, which helps to reduce the levels of blood sugar. 
  • Studies have also shown that drinking green tea on a regular basis can significantly reduce the levels of fasting blood sugar as well as hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C). 

As per the studies, drinking up to 3 to 4 cups of green tea for diabetes a day can help give the best benefits. Do remember that too much of anything can have adverse effects. 

How to make the perfect green tea for diabetes:

  • In a cup or teapot, place the green tea bag, a few slices of freshly cut ginger, and some mint leaves.
  • Add boiling water and let the mixture steep for about 2 to 4 minutes, depending on how strong or light you want your tea to be.
  • Remove the tea bags and sip on your warm green tea.

Ginger can help to improve insulin production in the body as well as reduce blood sugar levels. Mint can help reduce stress levels and as a result, improve the levels of blood glucose.

2. Black tea

If you haven’t tried out black tea yet, or always wondered why people drink it, here are some amazing health benefits of black tea that you should know of. 

Health benefits of black tea: 

  • Black tea contains a host of very good plant compounds, such as the arubigins and theaflavins that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • These compounds also have properties that can help to lower and better manage blood sugar levels. Thus black tea is good for diabetes.
  • Drinking black tea suppresses certain enzymes that interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. As a result, these may help to keep blood sugar levels within the required range.
  • Few studies suggest that consuming black tea for diabetes on a regular basis may improve insulin secretion in the body as it protects the various cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. 

How to make the perfect black tea:

  • In a pan, boil some water along with some fennel seeds (saunf) for about 3 to 4 minutes, till you see the bubbles rise.
  • Switch off the heat and add black tea powder (or add a black tea bag). Cover the pan with a lid and let it steep for 2 to 4 minutes, depending on how strong or light you want your black tea to be. 
  • Strain (or remove the tea bag if you are using a tea bag) and have a warm brew.

Fennel or saunf seeds are very high in their potassium as well as vitamin C content, which can help in reducing the levels of blood sugar and also improve and increase insulin reactivity. These properties can help to keep blood sugar levels within the desired range. 

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3. Cinnamon (daalcheeni) tea

Cinnamon or daalcheeni, the common Indian spice that is used in a host of Indian recipes, has amazing health benefits for everyone, especially for those who have diabetes. Hence, Dalchini or cinnamon tea is good for diabetes.

Health benefits of cinnamon tea: 

  • Cinnamon can slow down the release of sugar in your bloodstream. But you should not consume more than 3 grams of it.
  • It can also improve the uptake of cellular glucose.
  • Having cinnamon tea on a regular basis is also known to improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Certain studies also reveal that adding cinnamon tea to your regular routine can have a positive impact on fasting blood sugar levels as well as on lipid levels. 

How to make the perfect cinnamon tea:

  • In a pan, add water, freshly cut ginger slices, and a stick of cinnamon. Bring this to a boil.
  • Add green tea powder or a green tea bag and cover with a lid. Let this steep for about 2 to 4 minutes, depending on how light or strong you want your cinnamon tea to be.
  • You can add a slice of freshly cut lemon, or add some freshly squeezed lemon juice in the water and let it steep for another 30 seconds to a minute, not more, as else it may turn bitter. 
  • Remove the tea bag, cinnamon stick, and lemon slice and sip.
  • You can chew the ginger slices for added benefit.

Lemons are very high in their vitamin C content and are known as a diabetes superfood. They also contain a very high amount of potassium, fiber as well as folate, which will help improve your blood glucose levels. 

4. Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is a bright red and somewhat sour tea that is made using the hibiscus flower, whether the fresh flower or from the hibiscus flower in powdered form. 

Health benefits of hibiscus tea: 

  • Hibiscus is high in its polyphenol antioxidant content.
  • It also has various organic acids as well as anthocyanins. 
  • These compounds give hibiscus its bright red color, which makes it so good especially for those with diabetes. 
  • Regular consumption of hibiscus tea for diabetes can help to reduce your blood sugar levels as well as help reduce inflammation. 
  • It may also help reduce as well as better manage your blood pressure levels.   
  • Hibiscus tea can also help in reducing insulin resistance in the body. 

*If you have high blood pressure and are on medication, make sure you first consult with your doctor about whether or not you can have hibiscus, as it may interfere with some blood pressure medications. 

How to make the perfect hibiscus tea:

  • In a pan, boil water till you see the bubbles rise.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Add hibiscus powder or dried hibiscus petals to the water. 
  • Close the lid and let it steep for about 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Strain the mix.
  • Add a slice of lemon.
  • If you feel it is too sour, add a dash of honey.
  • Sip warm.

Lemons are very high in their vitamin C content and are known as a diabetes superfood. They also contain a very high amount of potassium, fiber as well as folate, which will help improve your blood glucose levels.

5. Haldi chai or turmeric tea 

Haldi or turmeric is one of the most common spices that are used in our Indian homes. Not only does it have amazing health benefits for everyone in general, but haldi chai or turmuric tea is also great to manage diabetes health. 

Health benefits of turmeric or Haldi tea: 

  • Turmeric is loaded with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • One of the main active components in turmeric is curcumin, which also gives it a yellow color, and is known for its benefits in reducing blood sugar levels. 
  • Curcumin can improve glucose uptake in the tissues as well as improve insulin sensitivity. 
  • It also helps in improving blood lipid levels.
  • Certain studies suggest that curcumin may also help improve the functioning of kidneys, which is especially good in the case of people with type 2 diabetes, who often face kidney-related health issues. 

How to make the perfect turmeric tea:

  • Soak half an inch of raw turmeric in a cup of water. Let this stay overnight.
  • In the morning, add a dash of freshly ground black pepper along with freshly cut ginger slices and boil this water till you see the bubbles form. 
  • Strain and sip.

Black pepper contains a component known as piperine, which further improves the actions of curcumin and will give you added benefits. 

What tea should people with type 2 diabetes avoid?

While the teas mentioned above are excellent for your diabetes health, there can be certain side effects of drinking tea as well. Make sure that you have your tea in the right way, especially if you are looking for benefits that will help your diabetes health.

  • Avoid adding milk to your tea.
  • Ensure you do not add any sugar or any form of so-called store-bought sugar-free substances to sweeten your tea. 
  • Before you start on any type of tea as part of your regular routine, make sure you speak to your doctor to understand if there are any chances of these teas interfering with your diabetes or any other health medications. 

How much tea can people with type 2 diabetes drink in a day?

Too much of anything can be harmful to your health, so make sure that you do not drink more than 3 to 4 cups of any of these teas in a day.

Also, if you notice any discomfort or change in your health especially after you start having these teas, make sure to stop immediately and speak to your diabetes healthcare team. 

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