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Reshaping Health with AI and Human Expertise: A Dynamic Approach to Behavior Change

Published on: Aug 18, 2023
4 min Read
Reshaping Health with AI and Human Expertise
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If you ask a technology expert, what is the future of doctors? Do you think AI will replace them?

The answer could be that people who use AI will replace those who don’t.

You may not agree more with this statement. But, we must recognize that AI is among our time’s most impactful and transformational technologies.

It is now getting extensively integrated into almost all major domains, from IT to healthcare, from education to sports, everywhere AI is coming, evolving, and playing a significant role.

Over the top, the largest IT product companies are now integrating AI into their product portfolios. Billions of dollars are being poured into developing AI further. It is very safe to say that the shape of AI today is very different from what it will be five years from now.

This article explores how AI can be a game changer in healthcare by aiding personalized care to behavioral synchronization.

AI: The Game Changer

Despite the game-changing potential that AI offers in terms of speed, accuracy, automation, and data analytics, etc., it must be acknowledged that these advancements are not a replacement for human expertise in the healthcare arena today. AI is only as good as the model that trained it. 

The Changing Landscape of Healthcare

We have been working extensively to develop an AI model that would mimic human expertise for chronic diseases. Today, we have reached a holistic combination of AI and human expertise that can work in a complementary framework to deliver personalized interventions that are trustworthy and consistent in achieving improved healthcare outcomes.

Solving chronic conditions like diabetes requires a very personalized approach. It should not be generalized by asking the person with Diabetes to stop all sweets, fruits, rice, and roti.

Such diets are difficult, if not impossible, to maintain. People generally drop out of all such programmes which offer generic advice. 

The Role of Connected Devices and Data

Connected devices like CGMS, wearable gadgets, blood pressure monitors, and weighing scales coupled with manual entry for data into an app, lab reports, and camera vision provide rich insights into a person’s health make-up. 

AI can be used effectively to process massive data volumes, identify patterns, and generate actionable insights as well as complete therapy for individuals. For instance, while creating a personalized nutrition plan, experts can feed data gathered by observing the glycaemic value of meals consumed by an individual, and inputs related to sleep, pulse and heart rate, etc., gathered over several weeks. 

AI algorithms can analyze the data and segregate meals which cause a high glycemic response in the individual, and these foods can then be eliminated from the person’s diet. 

However, behavior change cannot be achieved merely through advice or insights. These personalized action plans need to be reviewed by healthcare professionals for accuracy and context. They need to be tweaked for conditions not yet factored into the training model. 

At Fitterfly, having worked with over 20,000 people with diabetes, we have realised the importance of a healthcare professional at achieving outcomes. 

The Role of the Healthcare Professional

Behaviour change involves breaking some undesirable habits and building new ones. To bring about effective behavioural changes, mere recommendations are not enough. It is important to establish an empathetic and trust-based rapport with the patients. 

Healthcare professionals can thus deeply understand individuals’ unique needs, circumstances, and compulsions. They use their emotional intelligence to carve compassionate behavioural change programmes that address individual concerns. 

Instead of spending time creating therapy, reports etc., they can now utilize their time more efficiently by working with the patient.  Such a synergetic approach is a powerful combination that can help improve healthcare outcomes by making behavioural change more convenient and empowering. 

The Future of Behavioural Change Interventions

AI technology is evolving rapidly with greater capabilities and accuracy being added with each new update. In such a scenario, this merger of AI and human intelligence can be a potent combination to drive behavioural change in individuals as well as entire communities. 

This digitally-driven therapeutic process can be transformative in early detection and intervention for individuals at risk, and facilitate timely as well as personalized care programmes. Devices such as wearable bands, monitors, and smartphone applications can constantly engage individuals alongside monitoring their performance to deliver constant support and improvement tips. 


  • AI is shaking things up, but it won’t replace human doctors. It’s a tool, not a takeover.
  • AI + human insight is a perfect team-up combo for handling chronic diseases like diabetes. But it requires personalized care plans backed by AI tracking.
  • Gadgets and data paint a clear picture of health. AI crunches the data to give sharp advice, like fixing your diet.
  • AI is cool, but doctors are the real heroes and the most valuable players. They build trust, understand us, and emotional connect that give mental strength to people with diabetes.
  • AI and humans make a power combo. They’ll change behavior, spot risks early, and keep us healthy with gadgets and tips.

Fitterfly Digital Therapeutics offers intelligent solutions to conquer diabetes with Diabetes Care Program. Smartly designed with digital technology parallel with AI by our engineers and backed by the expert team of diabetologists, dieticians, psychologists, and physiotherapists. 

Join us to unlock effective diabetes management, personalized care, and wellness.

If you wish to know more, give us a missed call at 08069450746. We will surely reach out to you

It is this AI-driven, human-delivered care framework that is going to shape the future of healthcare globally!

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