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Is Buttermilk Good For Weight Loss?

Published on: Jul 19, 2023
8 min Read
Medically Reviewed

Shilpa Joshi

Nutritionist | Consultant Dietitian | Diabetes Educator
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Are you craving for a tasty yet successful way to lose weight? Have you ever thought that the tangy delight of buttermilk could be your secret weapon in your effort to lose those extra pounds? So get ready to go on a tasty and nourishing adventure because buttermilk, which is frequently disregarded, can be a useful ally in your quest to lose weight.

Did you know that buttermilk, with its unique composition and rejuvenating flavor, may aid in your efforts to lose weight? The benefits of buttermilk, which range from its high protein content to its low-calorie content, can have a significant impact on your efforts to achieve a healthier body.

The fascinating world of buttermilk will be uncovered as we dive into it in this article and learn about its potential weight loss advantages. Prepare to embrace buttermilk’s creamy goodness and use it as a superfood in your quest for a fitter, healthier you.

Decoding Buttermilk For Weight Loss

1) Definition and Composition of Buttermilk

Let’s start by understanding what buttermilk really is. It’s not a creamy, fatty drink, as the name suggests. Instead, buttermilk has a slightly sour taste and a thinner consistency. Traditional buttermilk is the liquid left behind after making butter, while modern buttermilk is made by fermenting milk with bacteria to give it that tangy flavour.

2) Differentiating Traditional and Cultured Buttermilk

Traditional buttermilk is lower in fat and calories than whole milk, making it a lighter and cooler option. On the other hand, cultured buttermilk is simply made at home by fermenting toned milk which is made into homemade curd. Then the resulting curd dilutes with water and churned well to obtain buttermilk or commonly known as Chaas, resulting in a tangy flavour and probiotic benefits.

Buttermilk In & Around India

The popularity of buttermilk goes beyond the traditional applications in Indian cuisines. It is a common ingredient in many regional cooking styles. For instance, buttermilk is referred to as “chaas” or “lassi” in India and is consumed as a cooling beverage or as the foundation for savoury dishes and drinks that are spiced.

From dressings and marinades to smoothies and curries, buttermilk is a favourite ingredient in a variety of recipes. This is due to its versatility. Buttermilk is a cherished kitchen ally not only in India but also around the world, thanks to its distinctive flavour profile and nutritional advantages.

Nutritional Profile of Buttermilk

Finding a beverage that is not only tasty but also helpful for your goals can be a game-changer when it comes to weight loss. Buttermilk enters the picture in this situation. So, is buttermilk good for weight loss? Let’s look at the nutritional value of buttermilk and see how it can help you lose weight.

1) The Effect of Low-Calorie Foods on Weight Management

The low-calorie count is one of the main benefits of buttermilk. It has fewer calories than curd, making it a good option for people trying to lose weight. Saying this, if we compare 1 glass, i.e., 200 ml of low-fat buttermilk, has 80 calories with 2.2g fat, whereas 100g of curd 98 has calories with 4.5g fat. You can choose buttermilk as a beverage and take pleasure in a cool drink without being concerned about consuming too many calories. The creation of an overall calorie deficit requires this calorie deficit because it is a fundamental aspect of weight loss.

2) The Benefit of a Buttermilk High Volume in Increasing Satiety

When it comes to feeling full for a longer period of time, buttermilk has an advantage over curd (yoghurt) due to its high volume. Buttermilk’s higher volume can increase satiety by providing a greater sense of fullness. Its lower energy density and hydration benefits contribute to feeling satisfied and reducing overeating.

3) Buttermilk Contains Vital Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to being high in protein and low in calories, buttermilk contains a number of vital vitamins and minerals. These consist of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin and vitamin B12. Particularly noteworthy is calcium, which promotes bone health and may help with weight loss. According to some research, foods high in calcium can improve fat metabolism and prevent the buildup of body fat, which can help with weight loss efforts.

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Buttermilk and Digestive Health

We all know that the key to a successful weight loss journey is Good Gut Health and minimal digestive issues. Well, buttermilk does it all! How?

  • Buttermilk is packed with good bacteria that does wonders for your gut health. These probiotics help keep your digestive system balanced, aiding in healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • When you include buttermilk in your diet, it improves how your body absorbs nutrients and breaks down food, giving your metabolism a boost. This means you get more out of the food you eat, helping you on your weight loss journey. So, by drinking buttermilk, you’re not only supporting your gut health but also giving your body an extra edge in losing weight, making it a win-win situation!
  • Constipation and other digestive problems are relieved by buttermilk. Many people experience digestive problems like bloating and constipation, which can be uncomfortable.
  • Buttermilk’s probiotic content can help by encouraging a healthy gut environment, which can help with these problems. The bacteria in buttermilk assist in preserving a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which can lessen bloating, improve digestive comfort and aid in weight management.

Buttermilk as a Hydrating and Energizing Beverage

We are always on the lookout for something to drink for better energy as well as something which can satisfy our taste buds as well, and one of the benefits of buttermilk is that it’s a quick healthy, hydrating, and energizing drink for all.

  • Buttermilk stands out as an excellent choice for hydration. Its high water content keeps you hydrated and supports your weight loss journey by replenishing lost body fluids. Buttermilk offers a cooling and hydrating substitute with fewer calories and additional advantages to sugary or carbonated drinks.
  • Buttermilk is rich in electrolytes like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining energy levels and muscle function.
  • These qualities make buttermilk a perfect companion for your workouts, enhancing endurance and burning more calories aiding you to reach your weight loss goals efficiently.

Boosting Metabolism with Buttermilk

A good metabolic rate is what one needs to achieve good weight loss results. But how does buttermilk benefit the metabolism of the body? Here is your answer.

  • Buttermilk is a rich source of calcium, a vital nutrient to metabolize (burn) fat and keep you energized. When combined with a balanced diet that includes sources of Vitamin D like sunlight, fatty fish, egg yolk, and fortified products, the calcium in buttermilk can support a healthy metabolism and aid in weight loss.
  • Buttermilk has been associated with thermogenic properties, meaning it may slightly increase your body’s calorie-burning capacity. While the impact may be modest, every calorie matters when aiming for weight loss.

Fun Ways of Incorporating Buttermilk into Your Diet

We have well looked into the matter of the benefits of buttermilk for weight loss. But how do we incorporate it into our daily diet? The real question being what is the right way to consume buttermilk for weight loss? Here are some tips to make it easy for you to include in your daily intake.

  • By including buttermilk in scrumptious and healthy recipes like buttermilk-based Smoothies, Salad Dressings, and More, you can discover the world of culinary possibilities.
  • From hydrating buttermilk smoothies to tangy salad dressings made with buttermilk, there are countless ways to take advantage of the health benefits of buttermilk while improving the flavour and variety of your weight loss diet.

Some Indian dishes and ways to use buttermilk are:-

  1. Gujarati Kadhi is a famous dish from Gujarati cuisine, known for its tangy and savoury taste. It combines buttermilk with a blend of spices and vegetables, resulting in a flavorful curry.
  2. Mor Kootu, also known as More Kuzhambu, is a traditional South Indian dish made with buttermilk as the main ingredient.
  3. Buttermilk dosas are a variation of the classic dosa, a popular South Indian dosa made from fermented rice and lentil batter, which is different from our normal dosa.
  4. Kadhi is a popular North Indian dish where buttermilk is flavoured with a mix of aromatic spices, including cumin, fenugreek, and turmeric.

How to Choose the Correct Buttermilk at the Grocery Store?

It’s ideal to have homemade buttermilk. However, in case you need to buy it from a store,  choose buttermilk that has a low-fat content and few additives if you’re watching your calorie intake. You can choose foods with the highest nutritional value by reading labels and selecting high-quality buttermilk.

Some tips on what to look for on a label-

  • Check the fat content: Opt for a lower-fat version i.e. <1.5g / 100ml, to keep a better watch on your calorie intake.
  • Read the list of ingredients: Avoid using too many artificial ingredients, preservatives, or additives.
  • In search of “cultured” buttermilk Additionally, it has probiotic advantages and more nutritional value.
  • Be aware of the sugar content: Pick buttermilk that is plain and sugar-free.
  • Pick a reliable company: Give trusted brands quality and freshness top priority.

Adding buttermilk to your diet can be advantageous, but Moderation is the Key. To incorporate buttermilk in a way that supports your overall calorie goals, stick to the suggested serving sizes. Based on your unique requirements and weight loss objectives, you can determine the right frequency of consumption by speaking with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian.

Last but not least, the right time to consume buttermilk also counts to aid your weight loss journey. Buttermilk can be consumed as a pre-or post-workout beverage to replenish fluids and support endurance or as a snack in between meals to aid in digestion. The ideal moment to consume buttermilk depends on personal preferences and requirements. Try different things to see what suits you the best.


It’s crucial to realize that buttermilk won’t help you lose weight on its own. It should be incorporated into a thorough weight loss strategy that also includes lifestyle changes, regular exercise, and a nutritious diet. You can maximize your efforts and benefit from buttermilk’s advantages in promoting weight loss by thoughtfully incorporating it into your overall balanced meals.

Its probiotic nature promotes digestive health, and its potential metabolic boost and hydrating qualities contribute to general well-being. You can take advantage of buttermilk’s advantages while pursuing your weight loss objectives by judiciously and creatively incorporating it into your diet. Never forget to tailor your strategy to fit your unique needs; if necessary, consult a professional; and take pleasure in the journey to a fitter, healthier you with buttermilk’s tart twist.

To be certain, we suggest you also speak to our weight loss healthcare team, which has an expert dietician, nutritionist and psychologist to understand which foods to avoid and incorporate for weight loss. To learn more about Fitterfly’s Weight Loss Program and how it can help you intelligently reach your goal, speak to one of our counselors.

- By Fitterfly Health-Team
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