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Does Running Help You Lose Weight?

Published on: Dec 15, 2022
8 min Read
running for weight loss
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Running for weight loss

Are you trying to lose weight or want to manage your weight better? If you are thinking of picking up any activity that can help you lose faster and maintain it better, running for weight loss could be a fun and effective way to do so.

In this article, we will take a look at how running works to help you lose weight, how much running you would ideally need to do to lose weight effectively, some of the best ways in which running for weight loss can work for you, the different types of running and so on.

Is running good for weight loss?

Running is a type of very popular sport, and running for weight loss is gaining more and more popularity with people of all ages. 

One of the most common reasons why running for weight loss is such a popular activity is that when you run to lose weight, you can basically do it anywhere, at any time, at your own convenience, and without the need of lugging around or looking for any equipment. 

While some people love to run as a form of simple outdoor activity, more and more people also use running for weight loss and to maintain their weight and stay in shape.

How does running help you lose weight?

When you participate in running as a form of exercise, or when you try out running for weight loss, it turns into a very good and effective type of cardiovascular activity. It means that when you run, or especially when you are running for weight loss, it increases your heart rate and keeps it at a high for a given duration of time.

  • One of the key points to keep in mind when you want to lose weight is that you need to burn up a higher amount of calories as compared to what you eat.  
  • However, make sure that you increase the duration and intensity of the sessions progressively and consistently.
  • Running is also a kind of aerobic cardiovascular exercise that has various types of advantages for your overall health. One of the key ways in which you can use running for weight loss is to combine it with your overall cardiovascular weight training. 

What are the best way to lose weight by running?

Running for weight loss will only give you the desired results when you combine your running schedule with a nutritious healthy and balanced diet. Here are a few ways you can get the best out of your running for weight loss routine:

1. Combine running with the right type of diet

  • Just because you are using running for weight loss does not mean you can stop paying attention to your overall diet that you need to have in order to lose weight.
  • In fact, if you do not pay attention to what you are eating while you are also on a running routine, you could actually end up gaining weight, even if you regularly run.
  • Keep in mind that you still have to count your calories, and avoid any binge eating or unhealthy eating, or snacking in order to stay in shape.
  • Just because you have started running for weight loss does not mean you can now eat unhealthily, have all those mithais you were staying away from, or go out and eat all the samosas and pizzas that you want to. Now is the time to pay even more attention to your overall diet.

2. Keep an hour’s gap between your meals and running

  • One of the best ways to go running for weight loss is to run early in the morning, even before you have your breakfast.
  • This way, you can avoid the harsh sun and run in pleasant weather, which will help you stay motivated and may even make you able to run longer.
  • Running before you have your breakfast may also help you to burn your calories faster, as compared to running after you have had your meal.
  • However, if you often feel very hungry in the morning, or if you feel light-headed when you have not eaten, stay away from running before breakfast.

3. Keep yourself hydrated at all times

  • As much as you are going to be running for weight loss, it is very very important that you keep yourself hydrated at all times, and not only when you are running. 
  • In order to keep sipping on water while you are running, it is best that you carry a portable water bottle or water sipper with you as you run.
  • When you are dehydrated, your body also often confuses it as a signal for hunger, and instead of just having water, you may end up binge eating or snacking when you do not really need to eat. This will give you the exact opposite of what you have set out to do.
  • Staying hydrated while you are running is also important because it will help you stay energized and focused and will not cause you to feel dizzy or have fainting spells or cause any aches and pains. 

4. Remember to give importance to your warm-up and other exercises

  • Running is a fun kind of sport that you can take part in but that also means that you should give equal importance to what comes before and after running.
  • Warm-ups are very crucial to your overall running for weight loss schedule. Think of it as a ritual to signal your body that you are going to take part in some heavy-duty exercise, and to give it time to prepare and get ready.
  • If you straightaway get into running for weight loss, it will make you stronger, will reduce aches and pains, and get you ready to run more.

5. Slowly increase your pace

  • Once you start enjoying running for weight loss and once you have done your running routine for a few days, start looking forward to that runner’s high that is going to follow soon after you have hit your peak of the day and run a little extra.
  • Of course, it is important that you start slowly, especially if you have not run before and this is going to be your first time.
  • You can start off by walking for a few days. Once you feel comfortable, you can move to start doing a small jog. If you are not sure how it is going to make you feel, you can also practice a bit of spot jogging at home, by standing in one place and jogging.
  • As you get more comfortable, you can start jogging outdoors.
  • Once you have done your jogging for a few days, you can slowly move on to running. 
  • Keep a tab on how much you run for the first week and how much time it takes you to do so.
  • For instance, if you run once around the park or around your neighborhood, aim at taking two laps next week around the park or around the neighborhood at about the same time. 

How much should I run to lose weight?

Ideally, as an adult, you should get about 150 and 300 minutes of exercise in a week. This means that even if you run for about 30 to 45 minutes each day for 5 days a week, you will notice some positive changes in your weight.

However, running is not enough, especially when you have metabolic health conditions. It is important to also add strength training to your exercise routine. 

How much does running help you lose weight?

Running helps you to burn more calories as compared to many other exercises that you may be doing to lose weight because it requires many types of muscles to work at the same time.

While running, combine a mix of the different types of running mentioned below, to get the best results out of your running for weight loss routine.  

Types of running for weight loss

Here are some of the most common and popular types of running for weight loss that could get you the results you are looking for:

1. Base running

It means that you run at a normal pace for anything between a short to a long length at a natural and comfortable pace. This could be anything between a 3 km run and an 8 or 10 km run at a pace that you are comfortable in.

2. Long runs

This would be a longer version of the base run which you will do about in the same time it takes for you to complete a base run, but you will run a longer distance in a shorter span of time as compared to a base run.

This could be a run of about 10 and 15 km but at a pace that is faster than your normal and your most comfortable pace of running.

3. Interval runs

As the name suggests, these are shorter and repeated bursts of runs that you do at a higher pace as compared to a long run, but you just keep taking short intervals in between while you run fast and for a longer period of time.

4. Uphill runs

Again, as the name suggests, this means running on an uphill or elevated running path. You can do short repeat runs around these trails. For instance, you can run uphill, take a short break, walk slowly down and then repeat this again a few times, as much as you are comfortable with.

5. Recovery runs

These are usually done after you have done your running for the day, and the recovery run will come at the end, where you run slower than you did all the while.

This is more to let your body come back to its natural state and also to help the muscles heal back faster. For instance, you do a hard run and then you do a 3 to 5-minute run at a much slower pace, more like jogging. 

As you get into your running mode, a few things or accessories that could help you to stay fit and motivated are:

  • The right types of shoes that are comfortable and have a good cushioning effect to avoid undue pressure on your soles
  • A pair of good cotton socks
  • A good armband for your phone to stay in place
  • A good pair of headphones if you want to listen to music as you run
  • A small water sipper that you can carry around and that does not weigh too much
  • A small waist bag in which you can keep your keys, small change, and identification, as well as any SOS medicines along with your prescription if you have any emergency medication
  • The proper fit of clothes in which you can run, which are not too tight or too baggy

Remember to keep yourself hydrated and carry your identification and any SOS medications before you head out for your run.

Combine your running for weight loss routine with a healthy weight loss diet, a good 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night, and an overall healthy routine to get the best results. 


Remember that exercise of any kind including running is great for people with metabolic health conditions such as stubborn weight and type 2 diabetes.

But it is important to keep in mind that not everyone can have the same starting point for exercise. If you have any history of injury or pain it is important to get an assessment from a licensed physiotherapist and get a personalized program for exercise.

And along with the same also focus on other aspects of your lifestyle such as diet, stress, and sleep. Fitterfly Weightloss program is a one-of-a-kind weight management program designed by doctors which creates personalized lifestyle prescriptions for everyone. To know more call us at 022 4897 1077 

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