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Diabetes-Friendly Winter Fruit: Custard Apple

Published on: Dec 23, 2022
5 min Read
custard apple for diabetes
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Today we are going to talk about a delicious and healthy wintertime fruit that doubles as a dessert! If you answered ‘custard apple’, then yes, you are absolutely right!

If you or a loved one has diabetes, it is possible that you are wondering whether or not it is safe to have custard apples for diabetes in the winter season, or during any season.

In this article, we will look at the effect that eating custard apples can have on your overall diabetes health, whether or not it is safe to eat custard apples when you have diabetes, the nutritional value, as well as glycaemic index of custard apples.

How many custard apples you can have in a day if you have diabetes, the kind of effect eating custard apples, has on blood sugar levels and any other such information that you wish to know of.

Is custard apple good for diabetes?

Having custard apple for diabetes can be considered safe, especially because it contains a host of healthy and beneficial nutrients and is also very rich in antioxidant content.

However, depending on the type of diabetes that you have, your overall blood sugar levels, your overall health, your age, and your lifestyle factors, your diabetes healthcare team, and your dietician will be able to give you the best idea of how much custard apple is good for you to safely consume.  

Here is how you can differentiate between a ripe or overripe custard apple and one that is still a little raw or not as ripe:

  • A custard apple that is somewhat ripe will have softer skin and will look lighter in its overall color.
  • An overripe custard apple will have a darker color on its skin and it will have harder skin.

Custard apple benefits for diabetes

Here are some benefits that you can eat when you eat custard apples for diabetes:

1. Rich in polyphenolic antioxidants

  • Custard apples contain a very high amount of polyphenolic antioxidants.
  • These types of antioxidants are especially known to have a very positive effect on the amount of insulin that your body produces.
  • These are also known to help your body to better absorb glucose and use it more effectively for producing energy.
  • As a result, eating custard apples in moderation may help to keep your blood sugar levels in check and within the healthy recommended levels.

2. Helps in reducing ailments of the stomach

  • Consuming custard apples can help to keep some stomach troubles at bay.
  • Those who have diabetes are often more prone to suffering from stomach-related issues.
  • When you make custard apples a regular part of your diet, it may help to reduce your acidity problems. 
  • It may also help to prevent the occurrence of ulcers.
  • This is because custard apples have good anti-inflammatory properties and hence can help to reduce stomach problems. 
  • The high amount of fiber and magnesium in custard apples will also help to keep your digestive system in good health and will keep your bowel routine happy, thus preventing constipation, which many people, especially those who have diabetes, are often prone to.

GI of custard apple

If you are thinking of having a custard apple for diabetes, the fruit has a glycaemic index or GI score of about 54. This means that while it is not very low on the GI chart, custard apple for diabetes is still a healthy and safe enough option, as long as you keep the portion in control.

Nutritional Value of custard apple

Having custard apples for diabetes is a great choice when it comes to having winter fruits.

About a 100-gram of custard apples will have:

  • Water 
  • Carbohydrates – up to 24 grams
  • Protein – up to 2.1 grams
  • Fat – none 
  • Dietary fiber – up to 4.4 grams 
  • Sodium
  • Potassium 
  • Fiber 
  • Pantothenic acid 
  • Lysine 
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Fatty acids
  • Niacin 
  • Phosphorus 
  • Magnesium
  • Riboflavin 
  • Tryptophan 
  • Methionine 
  • Thiamine 
  • Iron
  • Calcium  

Does custard apple increase blood sugar?

Having custard apples for diabetes during the winter season can be a healthy option when you eat them in moderation. Custard apples have a good amount of vitamin C, which is an important micronutrient. 

Custard apple also contains a good enough amount of iron, potassium, and magnesium, which can also help to positively affect the amount of insulin that is produced in your body, and thus also help to better manage your blood sugar levels.

How many custard apples a day can a person with diabetes eat?

There is no specific recommended quantity of foods for people with diabetes. It all depends on your personalized glycemic response and your recommended calorie intake. You can speak to your diabetes management team or nutritionist about the same. At fitterfly, we measure your PGR and prepare a diet plan that is based on your data. 

Delicious and healthy dahi custard apple smoothie recipe

This winter, try and give your breakfast time a healthy, delicious, and filling treat with this easy-to-make custard apple and dahi smoothie.

You will need

  • Custard apple without the seeds (use a smaller bit of this fruit, maybe 1 or 2 slices)
  • Dahi 
  • Daalchini or cinnamon powder

How to make

  • Remove all the seeds from the custard apple and blend them into a pulp. Alternatively, you can also mash it and then transfer it later to a blender.
  • Add the custard apple pulp and add the dahi and the daalchini powder.
  • Now blend all this together into a smooth paste and make sure that there are no lumps in the mix.
  • Your custard apple and fruit smoothie is ready. 



You can enjoy all your favorite foods including custard apples while managing your diabetes like a pro just by keeping a few things in mind. Pay extra attention to portion control when you have custard apples.

Never combine fruits with a meal or with other fruits. It is best to consume them as a snack. Also, when consuming fruits it’s best to eat them as is, but you can change it based on personal preference. Also, as mentioned before everyone’s glycemic response is different.

Use a continuous glucose monitor or glucometer to measure yours and create a diet plan that works for you. We do this for everyone who enrolls in the Fitterfly diabetes management programs, for more info reach out to us here or call us at tel: 022 4897 1077

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