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Transform Your Body: 7 Yoga Asanas (Poses) for Fast Weight Loss

Updated on: Jun 12, 2024
11 min Read
Yoga for Weight Loss
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Whether or not you have tried yoga yet, one good thing that may interest you to take it up now is that it is also a good way to lose weight. 

If you are contemplating yoga for weight loss, want to understand which yoga poses are good for weight loss, and want to find out poses and ways in which you can do yoga for weight loss, read on this article to find out all your answers and more. 

Are Yoga Poses/ Asanas Good for Weight Loss?

Yoga for weight loss can be a very effective tool, especially if you use some of the most active poses and practice them regularly and with multiple repetitions.

Even if you are doing yoga at a beginner level, you will still find the benefits of yoga for weight loss, at a gentle, but stable and healthy pace. 

Which Yoga is Best for Weight Loss?

There are a lot of health benefits of yoga, and practicing them daily will take yoga for weight loss to an all different level, where it not only works on your body but also works on your mind, spiritual well-being, and more.

All forms of yoga for weight loss can be effective. However, if you have any health issues or injuries, or have recently suffered from any injuries, do mention the same to your doctor before you take up yoga. 

Can We Lose Weight With Yoga?

Yes, yoga for weight loss is a great way to help you lose weight as well as maintain a healthy weight range. 

  • Practicing yoga on a regular basis can help to improve your overall sleep, from the amount of sleep you get to the quality of your sleep.
  • Yoga for weight loss will also help you burn off those extra calories, which will further work in conjunction with your exercise and other weight loss methods to give you better and more long-lasting results.

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Best 7 Yoga Asanas Poses for Weight Loss

Here are some of the yoga poses that are especially helpful in losing weight:

1. Suryanamaksar or the sun Salutation

It is a comprehensive exercise because it involves all the key muscles we use throughout the day, strengthens and stretches the body in a way that enables one to perform functional activities of daily living smoothly and efficiently.

If you are a beginner, you can start by doing 2 to 4 suryanamaskars in a day, or split them into 2 parts throughout the day. As you become more comfortable, you can increase this to 10 to 20 times a day, and also increase the pace a bit at which you are doing it now.


Suryanamaksar or the sun Salutation


  • Place a non-skid yoga or exercise mat on the floor and stand a little ahead of the middle part of the mat, so that your feet and arms will be more toward the front of the mat.
  • Stand on the mat with your feet firmly placed on the ground, and a little apart.
  • Gently raise your arms and take them straight up above your head and touch your palms in a namaskar pose. Inhale as you do so.
  • Now bring down your arms together, keeping them straight, and bend forward to touch your toes with your fingers. Exhale while doing so.
  • Place your arms on the sides of your feet. 
  • Step one leg back into a plank position. Let us say this is the right leg. Stretch it back as much as you comfortably can.
  • Now do the same with the other leg, which is the left leg.
  • Now move your hips even further upwards and do a downward mountain pose or parvat aasan, with your feet and arms stretched and your hips up in the air.
  • Now hold yourself in this plank pose and gently push your body down on the mat, with your chin touching the ground.
  • Make sure your hips do not touch the ground and are in an elevated position.
  • Bend your neck backward while looking up. 
  • Now again come back to the parvat aasan pose, with your legs and feet stretched.
  • Now quickly bring your right leg up till your right hand is in the front. Basically, the idea is to do this with the leg you first used when you began the exercise, in this case, the right leg.
  • Do the same with the other leg.
  • Now gently touch the tips of your toes and get up with your hands in a namaskar pose. 

This is a very very effective yoga pose to not only help you lose weight but to also help your body have a complete stretch and relieve you of any aches and pains. It is also a great tool for mindful breathing and calorie burnout, all at the same time. 

2. Chaturanga dandasana or the plank pose 

  • Place yourself standing on the mat and gently come down into a pose where your hands are on the mat.
  • Lower your body and stretch your legs backward, with your hip stretching backward towards your legs.
  • You will understand whether or not you are doing this pose right if you feel a stretch in your hips and calves.

Chaturanga dandasana or the plank pose


  • Bring your body into a straight line and hold this position for at least 10 to 15 seconds. You should feel your body weight towards the back and not on your hands.
  • Hold on by engaging the muscles of your core (stomach and abdomen) as well as your arm and leg muscles.
  • Gently lie down face down on the mat once you finish.

Note: If you have any history of pain or injury in your upper body, shoulder, elbow, or wrist then you need to be cautious while doing this exercise. 

3. Virabhadra asana or the warrior pose

  • Stand straight on the yoga mat with your arms on your sides. 
  • Place your feet a little apart.
  • Now gently stretch back one leg as far back as you can and softly bend the other leg at the knee.

Virabhadra asana or the warrior pose

  • See to it that you maintain a good balance on the knee of the other leg that is folded.
  • Raise your arms upwards and hold them above your head in a Namaste pose. Your arms and elbows should be straight.
  • Now gently take the namaskar to pose a little behind your back but still up in the air.
  • Gently lower your arms to the sides and come back to the original pose.
  • Repeat the same with the other leg stretched at the back this time.

Note: People with knee pain should not attempt this pose.

4. Setu bandha sarvang asana or the bridge pose

  • Lie down straight on your back on the yoga mat.
  • Place your arms straight on the side of your body.
  • Make sure that your body is straight and held tight.
  • Bend up your legs at the knee, with your feet placed firmly on the ground.

Setu bandha sarvang asana or the bridge pose


  • Now gently lift your body using the muscles of your hips, so that you use the strength of the hips.
  • Keep your neck comfortably and firmly placed on the mat.
  • Elevate your hips and your legs from the knees and hold them in place.
  • Use your hands to hold on to your ankles as you keep your hips and knees elevated, with your feet on the ground.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds and return to the original pose.

5. Adho mukha svanasana or the downward dog pose

  • Stand straight on the mat with your feet placed firmly and a little apart.
  • Place your arms on the sides of your body.
  • Now gently lower your arms in the front so that they are in front of your feet.

Adho mukha svanasana or the downward dog pose

  • Your arms should be placed in such a way that the palms touch the ground and your body is in an upside-down U position.
  • Your legs should be a little below your hips and the feet should be placed a little apart.
  • Now gently stand up and return to the original pose.

6. Dhanur asana or the bow pose

  • Lie down on the mat on your stomach, with your arms on the sides of your body.
  • Make sure that your body is in a stretched pose and not slouching.
  • Now bring your arms to your ankles and try to hold your ankles in your palms.

Dhanur asana or the bow pose

  • Raise your upper body off the ground. At the same time. Pull your ankles upwards, so that your body forms a kind of bow position.
  • The idea is that you will stretch your body upwards as much as you can, while your stomach and pelvic area are firmly placed on the ground.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds and gently return to the original pose.

Note: If you have any history of pain or injury in your back it is best to not attempt this exercise. 

7. Utkat asana or the chair pose

  • Stand up straight on the mat with your feet placed firmly on the ground.
  • Now stretch your arms towards the front, keeping them straight, and do not bend them at the elbows.
  • Softly bend your knees and lower your body with your back absolutely straight.

Utkat asana or the chair pose

  • Use your pelvic muscles and your abdomen muscles to push your body downwards till your knee level.
  • You have to imagine that you are sitting on a chair, and lowering your body only that much. Do not lower it too much.
  • All this while, make sure that your hands are stretched forwards parallel to each other.
  • If you can, try and go a little further downwards as comfortably as you can. The idea is that you are sinking down further into a soft cushioned chair.
  • Lower yourself only as much as you comfortably can, without falling down.
  • Now gently come up to a standing position with your arms still outstretched. Your spine should be straight and you should feel a stretch in your back.
  • Now lower your arms gently and place them at the sides of your body.

Note that you SHOULD NOT DO THIS POSE if you have any injuries in your leg, especially in the knee.

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Benefits of Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

1. Comprehensive Exercise

Yoga poses, such as the Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation), engage key muscles used throughout the day. This comprehensive workout strengthens and stretches the body, facilitating smooth performance of daily activities.

2. Effective Calorie Burn

Regular practice of active yoga poses, like those mentioned, aids in burning extra calories. This calorie burn, coupled with other weight loss methods, contributes to better and more sustainable results.

3. Improved Sleep Quality

Consistent yoga practice enhances overall sleep quality, both in terms of duration and depth. Quality sleep is crucial for weight management and overall well-being.

4. Mind-Body Connection

Yoga not only focuses on the physical aspect but also works on the mind and spiritual well-being. This holistic approach helps in building a stronger mind-body connection, fostering a healthier lifestyle.

5. Enhanced Flexibility

Yoga poses involve stretching and flexing various muscle groups, promoting flexibility. Improved flexibility contributes to better overall mobility and can aid in the performance of other physical activities.

6. Mindful Breathing

Yoga encourages mindful breathing, which can help manage stress and contribute to weight loss. Mindful breathing techniques are known to reduce cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress and weight gain.

7. Posture Improvement

Many yoga poses require proper alignment and posture. Regular practice helps in improving posture, which not only contributes to a leaner appearance but also reduces the risk of musculoskeletal issues.

8. Muscle Engagement

Yoga poses engage different muscle groups, promoting muscle strength and toning. Increased muscle mass can contribute to a higher metabolism, supporting weight loss efforts.

9. Increased Energy Levels

Regular yoga practice is known to boost energy levels. Higher energy levels can motivate individuals to engage in more physical activities, aiding in weight loss.

10. Holistic Wellness

Beyond weight loss, yoga contributes to overall well-being by addressing physical, mental, and spiritual aspects. This holistic approach supports a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Which Time is Best for Yoga for Weight Loss?

One of the best times to do yoga is in the morning, right after you wake up, as it is always best to practice yoga poses when on an empty stomach. If you cannot make it in the morning, you can also do it in the evening when you are in between your lunch and dinner, so that you have enough time gap from your meal.

How Much Time Does Yoga Take to Lose Weight?

Yoga is not a magic mantra that will help you lose weight immediately. However, when you do it regularly over a long period of time, you will notice various changes in your body and overall wellness, including a good amount of weight loss and stable weight.

Try to do yoga for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. If you are an absolute beginner, you can start by doing 10 to 15 minutes of yoga a day.

As you make it a part of your routine, you will be more at ease to increase the time you spend on yoga each day, as well as the intensity and the number of repetitions you do.

How Often Should You Do Yoga for Weight Loss?

  • It is a good idea to try and take out at least 10 to 15 minutes for your yoga practice each day or at least 20 to 30 minutes if you can. If time permits, or at least on the weekends, do this for about 30 minutes so that you can make the most of it.
  • With regular practice, you can even reach up to 1 hour of yoga each day for weight loss, or at least on the weekends.  

A well-balanced mix of yoga, overall exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and healthy eating is what will help you lose weight effectively and manage it better too.

Fittertake: As with any exercise, it is important that you first speak to your doctor about your health issues or any recent or current injuries, before you take up yoga.

This is why when you enroll in the Fitterfly programs we give you a fitness exam that evaluates your history of pain or injury.

Along with understanding your fitness levels on these parameters: upper body, lower body, core strength, flexibility,  and cardiovascular. It helps us start you off with an exercise plan which is best suited for you.

To know more about getting on our program for type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, and weight loss, you can give us a missed call at 022 4897 1077.

If you experience any pain or discomfort while doing your yoga poses, please make sure that you stop immediately and take the advice of your healthcare team.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are yoga poses effective for weight loss?

Yes, yoga poses, especially active ones practiced regularly, can be a very effective tool for weight loss.

Can beginners benefit from yoga for weight loss?

Absolutely. Even at a beginner level, the gentle pace of yoga poses for weight loss provides benefits at a stable and healthy rate.

Which yoga poses are best for weight loss?

Various yoga poses contribute to weight loss. Some effective ones include Suryanamaskar, Chaturanga dandasana, Virabhadra asana, Setu bandha sarvang asana, Adho mukha svanasana, Dhanur asana, and Utkat asana.

Can yoga contribute to overall well-being beyond weight loss?

Yes, practicing yoga not only aids in weight loss but also works on the mind, spiritual well-being, flexibility, and posture, contributing to overall wellness.

Is it necessary to consult a doctor before starting yoga, especially for those with health issues or injuries?

It is advisable to consult a doctor before starting yoga, especially if there are health issues, injuries, or a history of pain, ensuring a safe and suitable practice.

Can yoga help with calorie burn and improve sleep quality?

Yes, regular yoga practice aids in burning extra calories and contributes to improved sleep quality, which is crucial for weight management and overall well-being.

What is the best time for yoga for weight loss?

Ideally, practicing yoga in the morning on an empty stomach is recommended. If mornings are not feasible, evenings between lunch and dinner can also be a suitable time.

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