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5 Reasons You Should Exercise When You Have PCOS

Published on: Aug 19, 2021
4 min Read
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If you’ve recently been diagnosed with PCOS, you’ve probably heard a lot about the lifestyle changes you need to make. Of all the things that need to be tweaked, exercise is a key component. In fact, regular exercise has been found to have incredible benefits that go far beyond just weight loss for women with PCOS. So, let’s talk about why exercise is important.

Let’s understand the basics

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder affecting young women. It is detected either at puberty or during early reproductive age. It is often characterised by weight gain and irregular periods, but there are some more symptoms of PCOS, namely:

  • Hirsutism: Excess facial or body hair
  • Alopecia: Male pattern baldness
  • Severe Acne
  • Polycystic ovaries: on an ultrasound scan, fluid-filled follicles can be seen in the lining of ovaries, resembling a pearl necklace.

The presence of at least two of these symptoms is considered confirmatory of the diagnosis of PCOS. The hormonal imbalances that lead to these symptoms are because of elevated levels of the male hormone androgen. There might be a simultaneous increase in the insulin hormone levels or it may develop later, leading to diabetes. In fact, obesity and diabetes are long term complications of PCOS.

Medications help restore the hormonal balance, but lifestyle modification is the most effective and sustainable way to manage PCOS symptoms in the long run. Together, medications and lifestyle modifications can give you the best results. And, exercise is one such change that comes highly recommended in the treatment of PCOS. Why? Read on to find out:

Why you should exercise when you have PCOS?

1. Lowers your risk of diabetes and heart disease: 

Exercise increases the metabolism of sugar in your body, lowers cholesterol levels and thus reduces the risk of developing diabetes or atherosclerosis (blockage of major blood vessels leading to high blood pressure and heart attack)

2. Helps regulate your hormones:

Studies have found that women with PCOS who exercised regularly had regular periods, had a lower risk of anovulation (a condition where there is a lack of ovulation), lower levels of androgens (male hormones) leading to a decrease in the secondary symptoms of PCOS such as hair loss, acne and excess body hair.

3. Aids in weight loss:

When you exercise it helps with the absorption of the body’s fat reserves, builds muscle mass and helps you lose weight.

4. Helps you sleep better:

Sleep disturbance is also a very common symptom of PCOS. And, that’s how regular exercise can help. Regular exercise helps improve sleep quality, the amount you sleep and reduces the risk of obstructive sleep apnea (a condition in which breathing is obstructed when you sleep and may cause snoring.)

5. Gives your mood a boost:

Exercise causes the release of endorphins, a.k.a the ‘happy hormones’. This hormone helps improve your mood, reduces the level of stress, depression, fatigue and gives you an overall feeling of wellbeing.

Recommendations for exercises in PCOS

So, how much exercise can get you all those benefits? Here’s a list to help you keep track:

Aerobic/ cardio exercises Strengthening exercises
Frequency 4-5 days a week 2-3 days a week
Intensity Moderate to high intensity (interval training), between 60-70% of maximum heart rate (HR). That should be increased by 10% of your HR maximum or heart rate maximum every two weeks 60-70% of 1 RM (repetition maximum) comprising of 3 sets of 8-10 exercises, that targets major muscle groups, such as those of your glutes, arms, back and legs. You should then increase the number of repetitions or sets based on the rate of perceived exertion
Time 30-60 mins 30-45 mins
Type Running, cycling or treadmill training Squats, bicep and tricep curls, leg curls, extensions, chest press

HR max is your maximum heart rate and is calculated based on a your age as 220 minus your age


PCOS is one of the conditions that makes it difficult to lose weight and achieve your health goals. Simple strategies that work for most people are not enough when it comes to those diagnosed with PCOS.

To help women with PCOS lose weight, we have the Fitterfly Weight Loss Program. A unique, safe, scientific, and sustainable program designed by doctors, this program has a comprehensive approach that includes diet, fitness, sleep & stress management.

We can help you achieve your health goals and more importantly, guide you on how to maintain it. Start your journey today! By enrolling with our Fitterfly Weight Loss Program or call us on 022 4897 1077

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