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Diabetes Care – What You Should Be Doing at 12 Pm on a Hot Sunny Day to Keep Your Blood Sugars in Check

Published on: May 11, 2022
5 min Read
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As I start to write this article, I cannot stop wondering about the similarity of my situation with the headline I have penned just a few moments back. It is summer. It is  hot, sweltering, and  seems like we all are sitting on a furnace 24/7 that will neither kill us nor spare us. This might give you some idea of what kind of heatwave we are facing. And this heat could be particularly tormenting for people living with diabetes. Unfortunately, Summers and diabetes don’t go too well together.  

So How Does the Powerful UV Rays Affect one’s Blood Sugars? 

Well, there are several reasons, like: 

  • Increasing temperature + exercise/daily activities = excessive sweating. 

  • Excessive sweating + lack of fluids = dehydration. 

  • Dehydration + increased blood sugars = frequent urination 

  • Frequent urination = further dehydration. 

And all of this can lead to a spike in one’s blood sugar levels. 

Extreme heat can also lead to heat exhaustion, nerve damage, and alter how your body uses insulin. So, you might be at risk of going into a hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) or hyperglycemic (high blood sugar) state during summers. All of this could be dangerous for anyone trying hard to manage diabetes

So, we got you a 12 PM checklist when the heat is at its peak to help you stay on track with your diabetes management. If you check these tasks daily, you will be amazed to see how well you can manage diabetes without breaking into a sweat. 

Set a recurring alarm for 12 PM for the next 30 or 45 days to tick your diabetes-friendly summer survival checklist everyday, and tick-off tasks done daily. 

  • An SMBG at 12 PM: It is good to check your blood sugars at this time; when your breakfast is long done, morning exercises are probably over and it would be soon time for lunch. Any changes in your blood sugar levels, now, will help you take the right steps – eat right, plan for a jog, check if you skipped medication or need to reach out for help. 
  • Checking your hydration levels: As the clock strikes 12, check how many glasses of water of your 8 glasses a day are over. If you are supposed to drink two or three litres of water a day, how much did you drink by mid-day? Remember dehydration is a spoilsport for blood sugars. If you haven’t had enough water grab a bottle from the kitchen and start sipping. 
  • Achieving the day’s physical fitness score: Summers are tiring, and if you are staying in a hot and humid place, fatigue might set in just by walking one block down the lane. But that should not be an excuse for not exercising. Inactivity could lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Check your pedometer and activity tracker to see how far you have achieved your day’s fitness goals. Checking at 12 PM will help you plan your activities throughout the day. If you wish to go to the gym at 4 PM, walk at 7 PM or do Zumba at 6 PM. It is ok if you skip morning exercises to beat the heat. You can sweat it off when the temperatures are a little cool.  
  • What’s for a mid-day snack: There are chances that on a hot day, you might eat light and your first meal of the day could have far fewer calories than you need to consume. Checking your blood sugars mid-day will help you get at par with your numbers. If they are low, try having a protein-rich snack or a fruit. If they are high, try cutting down on carbs at lunch and plan for a jog at 4 PM or later. Or even better, schedule a call with your diabetes coach or doctor. 
  • Have your sunscreen handy: Skin problems with diabetes can be difficult to control if they flare up, especially during summers. Also, sunburns are not good for people with diabetes; they can raise blood sugar levels. Use a SPF 15+ sunscreen to protect yourself, even at home or office. Remember, the UV rays are much more damaging during the daytime, even if they can reach you indoors. Apply some sunscreen. 
  • What are you wearing: Once you have applied sunscreen, check your clothes. Ill-fitted clothes or synthetic fabric could be an uncomfortable choice during summers. If you are wearing something that isn’t summer-friendly, change to a breathable fabric or cotton clothes. Sweat and dampness can also lead to itching, rashes, and skin infections which could be hard to deal with for one with fluctuating sugars. 
  • Keep yourself cool: Switching on your AC at this hour to keep you cool is a good idea. However, in an AC room, make sure you stay hydrated and eat well. Once the body cools down often, we forget hydration. If water doesn’t appease you try coconut water, chaas or even summer-friendly drinks like aam-panna, bael sharbat etc.  
  • Check for summer-friendly groceries: This is the best time to run a check on the groceries there in the kitchen and refrigerator. Do you have low GI foods stocked in your pantry? If not, make a grocery list so you don’t have to fret about your meal preparations during dinner.    
  • Where are your insulin vials and medicines kept: There is a reason why manufacturers warn us to keep medical supplies in a cool and dark place. Check if your insulin vials, and pen is not in direct contact with the sunlight. This could tamper with the insulin and make it ineffective. Check where you have kept your medications for the same reasons. Also, make sure you have all your medications kept in a travel pouch separately in case you have to move out. 

It won’t take you more than 5 minutes to do these checks at 12 PM to ensure that you are in a safe situation in this sweltering heat. These might look like minute tasks but will save you from impending dangers. 

However, we know managing diabetes is no easy task. At Fitterfly, we have designed a unique diabetes care program – Diabefly that helps one manage or even reverse diabetes. Our program takes a holistic approach to cater to all the problems related to your blood sugars – nutrition, physical fitness and stress management. We understand that diabetes management needs to be an integrated effort. Our experienced coaches will help draft a personalised plan for you that keeps in mind your body type, level of fitness and stress levels. Diabefly is a premium program which offers nutrition, fitness and stress management to bring down your blood sugar levels.  

Visit our website  or call us at 022 48971077 (Ext 1) to know more about this program.

- By Fitterfly Health-Team

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