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Why Should You Avoid Juices for Weight Loss or Detoxification?

Published on: Aug 29, 2023
4 min Read
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It is very easy to fall for fad diets these days. Whether you want to lose weight or manage your health parameters like blood sugar, finding a quick fix seems like the easy way out. 

But hold on! These diets cause more harm than good. So, it’s essential to know how to spot a fad diet. These are 3 tell-tale signs. 

  1. Any diet which promises a quick solution.
  2. Any diet that claims spot reduction, like “lose belly fat in 1 week”. 
  3. Any diet that promotes ‘magical’ foods or food combinations, like “have chia seeds and water for a month and lose 10 kgs,” is not recommended.

One such plan includes juice-based diet plans claiming weight loss and detoxification. If you were tempted to try a few weight loss juices to shed a few kilos or experience the effects of detoxification, you undoubtedly have fallen into a trap!

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So, let’s take a step back and find out more about the effectiveness of juices for weight loss and detoxification.

Are Juices Effective for Weight Loss? 

The most pressing question that most people have as they read this is: Are juices effective for weight loss and detoxification

Here are a few facts about juices before we answer that question!

1. May cause nutritional deficiencies

Fruit and vegetable juices lack proteins, healthy fats, and essential vitamins like vitamin B12. 

2. Lack of fibre

Most fruits and vegetables are stripped of their fibre when they are juiced. For example, say when you juice an apple or orange, you just press the liquid out, and the actual pulp (fibre), which actually has all the nutrition, is thrown. This makes the fruit juice concentrated with sugar content and negligible fibre. That’s why fruit juice can also rapidly spike blood sugar.  Fibre is an essential component of diet as it increases the satiety level (feeling of fullness), controls blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and ensures good gut health.

3. May cause side effects

Living on a complete juice-based diet may cause symptoms like fatigue, tiredness, headaches, dizziness and cravings.

4. May cause loss of muscle and bone

Since juices are short of protein, having only a juice-based diet may cause bone and muscle loss.

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What Makes Certain Juices Suitable for Weight Loss? 

Contrary to popular public belief, NO juice (fruit or vegetable) is suitable for weight loss. While they can be a part of a healthy, balanced diet, they must be consumed in moderation. If you want to lose weight, discuss with your nutritionist the juices that can safely assist you in weight loss.

Which Fruits and Vegetables Are Best for Weight Loss Juices? 

If you wish to consume juices for weight loss, you must include fruits and vegetables that are low in calories. Some of these options include:

  1. Celery 
  2. Beetroot
  3. Pomegranate
  4. Juice prepared from leafy greens like spinach, kale, and cabbage
  5. Lemon-ginger
  6. Carrots
  7. Kale-apple

Are There Any Potential Side Effects of Drinking Weight-loss Juices?

Drinking only juices for weight loss has several side effects:

  1. You are at an increased risk for deficiencies, which may significantly affect your health and overall well-being.
  2. Increase your likelihood of developing digestive issues.
  3. Increase the risk of higher sugar consumption, and hence higher blood sugar if you have diabetes.
  4. Following a juice-based diet is expensive.
  5. Juicing of fruits and vegetables takes longer.
  6. Greater cravings due to the low-calorie diet, which increases the risk of over-eating.

How Long Will It Take to See Results from Drinking Weight Loss Juices?

Fad diets that promote the consumption of fruit juices for weight loss overpromise and underdeliver. From losing several kilos in the first few weeks to helping you maintain your weight loss, consuming fruit juices is often shown as an easy fix for weight issues. But it is NOT true!

However, you must avoid any diet that promises quick results, including a juice-based diet for weight loss. Losing weight takes some time, as it must happen safely and slowly. Our expert Nutrition Coaches at Fitterfly recommend losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner. You can learn more about our Weight Loss program.

How We At Fitterfly Can Help You?

We know how tempting it can be to try quick fixes like juice cleanses or fad diets when you’re trying to lose weight. But the truth is, real and lasting weight loss doesn’t come from shortcuts. It comes from taking care of your health in a balanced, sensible way.

This is where Fitterfly comes in. At Fitterfly, we provide personalized nutrition plans that give your body the right nutrients while helping you lose weight safely. Our nutritionists guide you on how to include juices in a balanced way without relying on them alone. Along with that, our fitness coaches create easy-to-follow workout plans that match your fitness level so you can get results without feeling overwhelmed. Our Success Coaches are with you every step of the way, keeping you motivated and sharing helpful tips, like safe ways to detox so that you can stay on track.

At Fitterfly, we focus on ensuring that your weight loss journey is effective and sustainable. Check out our Fitterfly’s Weight Loss Program. To know more, you can speak to one of our counselors by just giving us a missed call at 08069450746, and we will definitely get back to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I consume only juices for weight loss, or can I eat regular meals too?

Juices can be a part of a healthy balanced diet. However, if you want to lose weight, it is best to consult your nutritionist before including juices in your diet plan. Consuming only juices for weight loss can do more harm than good. They must always be included in moderation with regular meals.

Can I buy ready-made juices, or should I make them at home?

If fruit juices are a part of your weight loss diet plan, it is always best to prepare them fresh at home, consume them without straining and as per your nutritionist's recommendations. Ready-made juices are loaded with sugar and preservatives, both of which are not good for health.

How often should I drink weight-loss juices?

Juices can be a part of a weight loss plan but should not be the primary source of nutrition. If you are looking to lose weight, ask your nutritionist and doctor how often you can drink juices.

Do weight loss juices provide enough nutrients for my body's needs?

Weight loss juices are a misnomer as no juices can help you lose weight safely. Juices are usually prepared by removing the fibre from the whole fruit. At the same time, some juices are prepared by mixing one or two fruit or vegetable juices. Both these activities make juices low in nutrients and high in calories, therefore unsuitable for weight loss.

Can I add sweeteners to my weight loss juices for better taste?

People on weight loss diets often replace sugar with sweeteners to maintain the taste of their food. You can add sweeteners to your weight loss juices if your doctor permits.

Can weight loss juices help with belly fat reduction?

There’s a lot of discussion about weight loss juices causing fat reduction. However, no studies or research have shown weight loss juices made from fruit, or vegetables cause belly fat reduction.

Should individuals with certain health conditions avoid weight loss juices?

Consuming fruit juices for weight loss is not recommended for people with type 2 diabetes, kidney conditions or those taking medications like statins and calcium channel blockers. Drinking grapefruit juice while on statins can lead to excess absorption of the drug, which can be dangerous to health.

- By Fitterfly Health-Team

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