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Avoid Diabetes Exercise Mistakes: Key Precautions

Uploaded on Jul 16, 2024
About the video

Exercising is crucial for managing diabetes, but without the right precautions, it can lead to complications such as foot infections and low blood sugar episodes. In our latest video, “Exercising with Diabetes? Don’t Miss These Precautions to Avoid Diabetes Exercise Mistakes!”, we dive into five essential tips to help you exercise safely and effectively.

1. Check Your Feet After Exercising

One of the most common issues for people with diabetes is foot infections. After exercising, it’s important to inspect your feet for any wounds or cuts. Keeping your feet clean can prevent infections, which are harder to control in people with diabetes.

2. Monitor Your Breath and Blood Pressure

Pay close attention to any unusual shortness of breath and monitor your blood pressure before and after exercising. High-intensity exercises can cause fluctuations in blood pressure, leading to potential health risks. Knowing these signs can help you avoid dangerous episodes.

3. Time Your Exercise with Insulin Peaks

If you are on insulin, understanding the peak action times is crucial. Exercising during these times can lead to a rapid drop in blood sugar levels, causing hypoglycemia. Our video explains how to plan your exercise schedule to avoid these risky periods.

4. Always Carry Glucose Tablets

Low blood sugar episodes can be dangerous. Carrying glucose tablets while exercising is a simple yet effective way to manage sudden drops in blood sugar. These tablets are easily available and can be a lifesaver during unexpected hypoglycemia.

5. Use Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)

Technology has made it easier to manage diabetes. A Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) sensor can track your blood sugar levels in response to different types of exercise. This helps you understand how your body reacts to various intensities and durations of physical activity, allowing you to tailor your workouts for optimal safety and effectiveness.

Facing Challenges? We’re Here to Help!

If you experience any difficulties while exercising, don’t hesitate to reach out to your certified physiotherapist or family physician. They can provide personalized advice and support tailored to your needs.

Click here —> to explore more about Fitterfly’s Diabetes Care Program.

Ready to take charge of your diabetes? Enroll in our program or simply give us a missed call at 📞 08068507508 to initiate your journey towards diabetes control.

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