Is Sugarcane Juice Good for Weight Loss?

Sugarcane juice is widely had, especially in the summer months. While it’s refreshing, does it help in weight loss? The answer is NO.

Sugarcane in India

Shilpa Joshi (VP Metabolic Health, Fitterfly) emphasizes that juices, including sugarcane juice, are not recommended for weight loss due to their high sugar content and lack of fiber.

Why Sugarcane juice is NOT good for Weight loss?

A 100 ml serving of sugarcane juice provides 58 kcal, 13 grams of carbohydrates (mostly sugar), and 0.6 grams of fiber. Despite some nutrients, it is still loaded with sugars.

Nutritional Value of Sugarcane Juice

If you want to enjoy sugarcane, it’s better to chew a small piece of the raw stick. This way, you digest it slower and avoid taking in excess sugar.

Better Ways to Enjoy Sugarcane

At Fitterfly, our coaches recommend focusing on whole foods rather than sugary drinks like sugarcane juice. Portion control and making smart food choices are key to long-term weight loss success.